Australian Emmigration

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New Member
Hiya, I'm just after a bit of advice on emmigration.

Me and my fiancee are considering emmigrating to Australia in a year or so but just looking for anyone who might have done this or is in the process. We've had a look on the internet and due to us both being between the ages of 18-25 with no ties we should stand a pretty good chance. I am coming to the end of my city and guilds now and have been fortunate to find work to allow me to hopefully go Self-employed. Does anyone no what sort of experience they will want will I need more than 12 months to gain us a visa? Also does anyone know who you have to contact to start the ball rolling? Will there be any issues with me and my partner not being married in getting her a visa although we are engaged?

Any advice would be appreciated


are you doing a C&G apprenticeship?
You need to prove 18Months experience after finishing an apprenticeship, With your partner (defacto) you just prove your together ie Joint bank account, photos, holidays been on stuff like that. look on here, and you will find out lots on there. my mate goes out in November on a skilled visa and hopefully i will follow.
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