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sat through a 5hr asbestos awareness course yesterday and i can saftly say im now aware of asbestos, did you know the romans used to make clothes out of asbestos so they could heat them on the fire and kill fleas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no ? neither did I. ffs
when i was on warwick uni, the day before we arrived everyone had to sit through a 5 hour asbestos talk. we turned up and he talked to us for 10 mins ;D
I do subbing work for local authority and they want to makesure your not going into properties and knocking s**t out of the stuff if its there and if you do its your fault because your aware of it
oooooooh ffs f'ck off with this asbestos crap..
go and google 'silicosis'
silicosis is right up there up asbesosis arse in the 'f**k you up nasty deceases' stakes..
anyone thats ever fired up a styllsaw and cut a hole out in a confined space is at more risk than those who have scraped an artex ceiling 500 times...
by all means be aware, and hopefully common sense intervenes and says 'if it looks dodgy stay away, or at least ask the f'ckin question'.. but all this 'ooooo were all gonna be dead tomorrow' smacks of scaremongering..
by the time your kids get to working age it wont be a problem will it? and thats all that matters, the people that have asbestosis these days are well over working age and spent decades inhaling the fibres day in day out...
get a grip ffs...
see? tony's got f'ck all to worry about, its wozza, simply, all the guys that learnt from the ground up in the last 30 years that are gonna have issues....
if youre a big f'ckoff company like tesco's (btw tescos are takin over the tradesperson) then you can afford to spout bollox like this, if youre not, you scrape it and skim it.... you aint gonna die, no one is gonna f'ckin die, get the f'ck over it and start worrying about what this tory governament is gonna f'ck us over with next...
when i was on the council houses for connaughts there was a separate asbestos team..
ripped all the ceilings down and lifted all them silly floor tiles, old warm air heaters were lined with asbestos - them things are a bit deadly cos it just comes out in f'ckin clouds...
tiles and ceilings though... kinell, ive been ripping that stuff about for donkeys... prolly got more chance of inhaling a dead sparrow than owt else... ;D
silicosis was the one that shocked me, any time you cut masonary and generate dust...
been doing that for years too...
which do ya reckon would pay more on a life insurance policy? asbestosis or silicosis?
Silicosis is more a mining thing than construction.
Asbestos IS the killer, but I've always said I will either die of the drink or the dust :(
dunno that much about it but they made a massive issue out of using styll saws without water...
now everyones got to have a water supply at 4 litres/minute beit mains or portable..
when you take into consideration that the origional asbestos workers worked in an atmosphere thick with the stuff, and no doubt the miners did with silicon dust then i think the effects on todays processes are comparable...
ive honestly never heard of anyone dying from either decease from rare or occasional exposure but i suppose those who have done the courses will know different..
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