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New Member
Alright fellas

I was doing some work at college the other night about the health and safety risks with asbestos. I was just wondering if any of you use any kind of protection when scraping the high points off ceilings with the possibility of having asbestos in before skimming.
if it looks like old artex i screw the ceiling bonding and 2 coats of multi. if it looks new i scrape it, wearing a respirator from wickes just to be on the safe side.

i was scraping an artex ceiling the other day, and you probably dont listen to real radio, but they got an advert on there about asbestos and they gona about how many people die a week because of it. so change it to radio 1 ;D
also...... u could try a steamer, the artex will fall off using one of them. and there wont be as much dust. but it fecking messy and your arm ache's like hell. plus your back to the board so its easier to skim
Our tutor told us a story about a bloke who used to work with asbestos. His wife died from inhaling the dust particles when she used to clean his protective clothing.
tiny amounts of white asbestos (least harmful) in pre 1984 artex, my old man died of an asbestos related cancer so i've looked into this subject seriously. the dust you breath in when mixing up is probably worse for you....
Bleeeeeeeeeeeedin artex again, stopped scraping it too much, just take off those stalegtites, that seem to hang off in corners and round light fittings. :)
I personally would overboard every thing, but most customers want a cheapy job, Slowly working through my old house with lath and plaster ceilings, everyone been overboarded with 12.5 board. :D
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