Artex help

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I have a patch on a ceiling to do tomorrow its like a stipple effect and i was wondering how i could get the effect using plaster all advice welcome guys
It doesnt matter what you use, you will never make a patterned patch, match its surrounding pattern 100%.

You might get half way close but It will always stick out like a sore thumb.
nelly said:
It doesnt matter what you use, you will never make a patterned patch, match its surrounding pattern 100%.

You might get half way close but It will always stick out like a sore thumb.

That's just not the case Nelly, if you know what your doing you can blend in really well. The hardest pattern to blend in is stipple and the comb patterns can be a mare to but it is possible.
essexandy said:
nelly said:
It doesnt matter what you use, you will never make a patterned patch, match its surrounding pattern 100%.

You might get half way close but It will always stick out like a sore thumb.

That's just not the case Nelly, if you know what your doing you can blend in really well. The hardest pattern to blend in is stipple and the comb patterns can be a mare to but it is possible.
I'll take your word for it mate but I aint ever seen artex patched invisibly ever.

Why would anyone want artex in their house anyway.............its not the 80's anymore :)
Stipple is definitly the hardest to patch in.
Swirl & combs I find are easier as you have an edge to work to.

Eg. cut out patch, reboard, scrape back swirl/comb pattern about 12" or more from board edge following the pattern & leaving the edge of the swirl/comb,
tape & joint the board, once dry seal area, apply artex & pattern to match existing, run a wet brush at edges then pattern again around the edges to soften up the edge so it's not a sharp finish & won't stand out.
Also match pattern & thickness on a bit of board first.
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