are you a plasterer

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as above
or a diy freeek I dont min d giving tips and hints but if you a diy lad then my advice to you is get a plasterer in and stop about
15 hrs on the ale trail church my head is totally f**k*d up but whats bothering me are the numpties who should clearly get a spreads in and stop f**k**g around !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of rant
15 hours :o thats impressive by any plasterers standards, even back in the day i would of struggled to keep up with that
Hear Hear murpplast , sufferin a bit my self , can't keep up with young uns any more went ot at two yesterday and in bed rat arsed at eight :-[ good fun though ;D
Moody b*****d with issues ;D ......... that sums up every spread i know inc me , over time i think thats just what the trade does to you
we all moody b*stards at time church,but f*ck me had lads workin with me all the time treat em like s*it some days but once they get in to the swing of it they give as good as they get,wouldnt just ignore em all day ,had anew labourer for 3 weeks ,getin on really well thats not not through not talkin to him ,that with showing him and given im a b*llocking when it aint right
been at work this morning boarded out 2 12x12 rooms,couldnt av done it with out me labourer,didnt av to cut hardly any boards all done ready and waiting.
you wanna sort your gaffa out bailey get em f*cking teachin ya sommut
I agree flaz , i wasnt having a dig at labourers at all ,worth there weight most of the time, just thought the moody b*****d bit sumed me right up mate
what im tryin to say church is that it sounds like bailys goin to work for nowt and his gaffer should realise that if he teaches him makes things alot easier in the long run,tell ya one thing mate fed up with be in a moody b*****d me sen,tryin to av a f*cking right laugh at the mo,dont know ow long itll last though
how ya feelin mur,looks like its my go tonight, just got the text,im f*cking firing on all four cylinders mate,just goin to crack open me first tin,fancy one ;)
flaz said:
what im tryin to say church is that it sounds like bailys goin to work for nowt and his gaffer should realise that if he teaches him makes things alot easier in the long run,tell ya one thing mate fed up with be in a moody b*****d me sen,tryin to av a f*cking right laugh at the mo,dont know ow long itll last though

dont get me wrong, he does teach me things, but hes one of these people that shows you summin and expects you to be able to do it straight away, and if you ask more than 1 question about it he gets a bit irrate.

put it this way, when i get a private, i could ring him up and ask summin, but he will only explain once and hes not very good at explaining things, so if i ask a question or dont quite get what he said the first time round it gives him the hump.
ya at the packin up drinkin stage then mate,dont worry youll pull though ,soon be back on track,what makes ya bad makes ya better,you woudnt believe it got a b*stard ole in the bottom of me glass
well i'm actually an electricion..............aargh ...ughh......ahhhh......fcckin....arr me fookin nose .........
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