aqua panel

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Hi All ;D
Just a quick one goning to price a job where there is aqua panel on the shower wall and been told that the costomer wants it skimmed ??? can you skim this i was told that it should be left and the joints taped up with water proof tape is this right or can you skim it the tilies she has are only 2inch by 2inch any help will be great thanks
You just waterproof tape it and tile over. But if they want to waste money thistle-bond it before skimming
Hi barryed

yer got there and it was the tilers idea to use aqua panel but then he wanted it skimed flat ??? so now goning to use m/r board pva then skim the hole thing flat nice and easy thanks for the help ;D
Its put on the joints of the aqua panel mate. Its used like fiber tape except its supposed to be waterproof
hi yes the tiler was a prat and the tape he said to use wait for it ( DUCK TAPE ) yes really bloody duck tape to seal the joints on the panel when he walked away i asked the lady of the house if she had used him before and she had so i said nothing took the deposit and left back in the morning to start the job ;D ;D ;D
Waterproof boards with a non waterproof plaster coating to provide a solid base for waterproof tile adhesive? Just tile the boards directly, or even dry line the boards with the tile adhesive the day before to straighten then tile.
That tiler shouldnt be working what a prat just tile straight on the panel if it needs dubbing out use tile addy skimming the panel will just lessen the weight of tile you can use.
went to quote on a job last year,where a spread had pva'd & skimmed on to aqua panel & the whole lot had sheeted off. where she'd had it tiled around the bath,that had been skimmed over aqua tile aswell. it was just ready to fall off. she was well pissed off. pva a big no no. wba all the way. aqua board repels water,like pissing on a wall.
Hi all

went back to skim a lid today after doing tha bathroom and the tiler was there again and he was kicking off becouse the wall was not straight for him to but his tilies on so i got my straight edge and level out and stuck it on the wall and guess what it was spot on the look on face was great i just look at the owner and walk away next thing i see was the tilier getting in his car and leaving the lady came to me said she was sorry and did i know a good tilier ??? turns out he had messed the tilies up and triyed to say it was becouse the wall was not flat f..... prat so passed my mate over to her and job done :D he is now doing all the tiling and i just got alot more work from her happy days ;D ;D ;D
fair play mate. i love moments like that. we had used to work for a builder and he phoned us up one day saying the tiler was moaning because the walls werent level so we went round there. put a level on it and like yourself, it was perfectly level. asked the tiler and he said i didnt complain, i wish all my jobs were like that. we dont work for him anymore haha. ive since spoke to a couple of lads that did work for him and they said the same about him. complete c**t.
yer i wish i had a camera i had a grin on my face from ear to ear mate dont happen offten but it was so sweet lol but looking round the house at the other work he had done there is no way this bloke was trained more like a chancer and he was realy over charging her as well so good day all round got rid of a chancer got my mate some work and a happy customer :D :D
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