applying undercoat plasters

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do you apply the same direction as you apply your finish a few lads on that job i was on last week were applying the hardwall backwards ie right to left ( if your right handed) and all seemed to think i was in the wrong for applying it left to right
doesnt matter mate i lay on right to left but used to work with a lad who went left to right .......when your on thicker walls it helps cause you feel the plaster off the heal of the trowel
right to left (im right handed) like render for me... always laying into it as opposed to spreading it thin..
just the way i render so i do hardwall same way..
left to right for skimming..
i always do left to right with render and darby it instead of ruling it
I lay everything left to right but my old man used to do right to left backing and s+c then finish left to right,there is a reason why its done like this.Over to you Chris.
I'ts done the opposite because you are forcing the material into its self and helps with the keying of the materials and bonds together as well as being able to feel the depth of the gauge, and you do not end up with great piles of backing coat at your feet, does that make sense the way i 've explained , that's what i was taught (by a guy that was totaly old school and was the best spread i have ever worked with or seen) and it does seem sort of natural 8)
backing coats should be put on right to left because when you put the finish on it holds back more
its done so less goes on the floor as said. only go right to left on eml so your not pushing all the stuff behind wasting gear.
grand wizard said:
backing coats should be put on right to left because when you put the finish on it holds back more

eh ???? Im sorry I really dont get it.

I lay left to right hardwall/ s/c etc using just an upright motion with the trowel then rule off without dropping much at all and needs little ruling.

Im probably being really thick but I just dont get what you mean :(
doesnt make any difference youre right just out of interest though
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