anyone used fairy liquid

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mickey07 said:
gilesy said:
only use fairy liquid for washing dishes.....never in mortar,febmix admix only stuff to studies have shown that washing up liquid reduce the strength and structure of cement causing mortars to fail and become weak
brickies have been doing it for donkeys years though...
dont meen it should be done does it,it may have taken this long to find out its no good..
flat boy skim said:
mickey07 said:
gilesy said:
only use fairy liquid for washing dishes.....never in mortar,febmix admix only stuff to studies have shown that washing up liquid reduce the strength and structure of cement causing mortars to fail and become weak
brickies have been doing it for donkeys years though...
dont meen it should be done does it,it may have taken this long to find out its no good..
like smoking fags,years ago the link between smoking and cancer wasn't commonly known like it is now,so you dont smoke simple.... dont use washing up liquid as a admixture..... simple
Simplybesty is spot on. I've only ever used fairy in emergencies and that has been rare, if we've run out of Feb and there's no builders yard for miles. It needs to be added in small doses compared to proprietary admixes. Too much air entrainment does weaken the mix. For the sake of a few quid I always use the correct stuff for the job.I keep a supply of waterproofer/ retarders, plasticiser, PVA,SBR in the van all the time. I never mix two different admixes in the same gauge either
brickies fairy liquid on walls that were floated 4mtr by 4mtr then skim and watch the sucktion on every joint oh i long for the 80's not but we had more fun then
grand wizard said:
we used to jump from the scaffold into the pile of sand one day i missed

the brickie im working with told me that yesterday, didnt believe him. we're getting some giant bean bags delivered monday because we've got scaffolding so theyre going to be fun ;D ;D
The bubbles in admixes are all the same size in fairy the are different thats what makes the morter unstable.
pftmonojetman said:
grand wizard said:
we used to jump from the scaffold into the pile of sand one day i missed
Lad i knew did that but the sand was frozen and he broke both legs
ive seen a lad jump into a day old pile of floor looked so nice and soft ;D
spunky said:
pftmonojetman said:
grand wizard said:
we used to jump from the scaffold into the pile of sand one day i missed
Lad i knew did that but the sand was frozen and he broke both legs
ive seen a lad jump into a day old pile of floor looked so nice and soft ;D
We were jumping into sand on a job in pill spunky and oddball wouldnt go so we give him some stick and i could see why he didnt want to do it as when he did he sort of went over side ways landed awkwardly winded himself and busted his ankle he didnt speak to me for a week ;D
steve cov said:
is a drop of fairy going to make much difference? why not use feb which is designed for the job.
Plasticisor is an air entraining admix

It means it put bubbles in it

Aparently fairy is bad yet feb is perfect............there has been tests done!

By whome?

My guess is by FEB, who have a lot to lose by someone saying fairy is just as good if not better.
NHBC dont allow fairy so thats one good reason not to use it and the other is that its dearer than feb.I could take you to see houses built in the 70s where fairy was used and there is extensive breakdown of the morter joints in the brickwork, i know cos i worked on them.
lucius said:
NHBC dont allow fairy so thats one good reason not to use it and the other is that its dearer than feb.I could take you to see houses built in the 70s where fairy was used and there is extensive breakdown of the morter joints in the brickwork, i know cos i worked on them.

that maybe the case but at Upton Park WHUFC INSISTED ON FAIRY
Was their not a maine contractor then Irish, you were working direct for the hammers?
when we used it all those years ago we never ever had a problem and nothing ever failed including the rendering on the side of my house which has been there for 25 years , never painted and is still good. we can all read text books and quote what should and shouldnt be done but when your onsite , trying to earn then you do what ever has to be done, those who say they wouldnt or dont aint been around in the trade longer than 2 min.
simplybesty said:
when we used it all those years ago we never ever had a problem and nothing ever failed including the rendering on the side of my house which has been there for 25 years , never painted and is still good. we can all read text books and quote what should and shouldnt be done but when your onsite , trying to earn then you do what ever has to be done, those who say they wouldnt or dont aint been around in the trade longer than 2 min.
spot on, if it works then it works, just because the manufacturer says dont means they are tryin to sell you another product.
There used to be a product that looked and smelt like washing powder , i think it was call "entranit" or something like
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