anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for?

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New Member
the way i was taught, is applying ya plaster with small trowel, then pull out the massive bugger just to reduce lines and move about what u all ready put on the wall while its still quite wet, then leave and do few trowel down with small trowel again

but yesterday i was talking to a plasterer and he said he never uses the massive trowel for anything?

i think he was under the impression that people actually apply plaster with these :-X

is this true or are they purely used for reducing lines/neatning up etc etc :o

or do none of you use them?

cheers ;)
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

hmm im not entirely sure myself but what you mentioned sounds about right and makes sense
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

;D i think you should stop thinking about buying trowels or even just stop thinking about trowels full stop. Just use the one you have and keep on using it untill it feels like a hand in a glove to you, remember trowels come and go elbows and wrists dont
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

i tried a 16" and that hurt plus misses everywhere but it's always what youre used to ........makes alot of sense if youre just flattening in the first coat though i,ve thought of it in the past but ive over bought already so im not allowed :( plus a large trowel worn in trowel could be handy for columns
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

big trowl for fast spred..small trowl for final polish as its smaller easy 2 grab and drag on dry wall
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

Bigger trowels never make a spread faster i will put my money on a fast spread with a small trowel against a average spread with a large trowel any day. A 13" trowel is big enough for any one the bigger trowels are just gimmicky plus they hurt your wrists :(
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

a dont arse on switching from 14 to 11 n all that shite just lay it on flatten in trowel off all with 1 trowel ! does me
Re: anyone use 18inch or 20 inch trowels? what for

bought a few different size trowels but use 13 inch for lying on, flattening and troweling up, also use midget trowel.
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