Anyone got/used the bero expert trowels?


Well-Known Member
Look similar to nela. Our local hardware store seems to stock up with it instead of nela, and think there supplier may have fell out with nela, which could be why.
Look similar to nela. Our local hardware store seems to stock up with it instead of nela, and think there supplier may have fell out with nela, which could be why.
Never saw one anywhere Simon,are they German?.
Aye they are made in Germany far as I know. Cork handle and all. Ramboo tools supplies them. Bero xpert or something. Do mediflex and everything, trowels similar dimensions to nela too. Premium trowel for the ss one, etc
Beroxpert looks exactly the same as Refina trowels just different colour handle. Not as comfortable handle on Refina trowel as a Nela or marshalltown.
Ramboo lost the distribution rights for NELA and we have now partnered with Dargan Tools - a specialist wholesale company in Ireland

Bero is made in Germany and in the same place as Refina. Maurerfruend are the manufacturers
Our local hardware store seems to sell a lot of ramboo stock, and the bero have appeared as well now, think nela are filtering out of it,not sure if they still get them in, or just had unsold stock last time I was in, haven't checked for them in a while. It Sells marshalltown too of course though.
Anyone got/used the bero expert trowels?
The Refina premium trowel, basically the same as beroxpert I think, blue rubber handle similar to the marshalltown handle shape but not quite as comfortable I don’t think. Very good steel blade, breaks in easily. Started skimming straight away with this one. 13x4.75
View attachment 23170The Refina premium trowel, basically the same as beroxpert I think, blue rubber handle similar to the marshalltown handle shape but not quite as comfortable I don’t think. Very good steel blade, breaks in easily. Started skimming straight away with this one. 13x4.75
f**k it I'll stick with nela or mt then when I go for a new one. Not in any desperate need for now, it's not been badly enough, just not way I want it.
Different not is there anyways to bend a trowel back in again, it's bent the right way so the blade doesn't dig in, but if it was possible to straighten it up again, would like to try it.