any pointers lads

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New Member
Managed to get 1 years contract subbying off the local council, moneys not great but steady and with 2or3 jobs flung in as well should work out not bad, thing is i just dont see the market picking up any time soon and got to give a final answer tomorrow, how does the work feel to the rest of you guys for the upcoming year,my brother who works with me says i,m always looking on the down side, but i,ve a f?:cking bigger morgage to pay than him
Yeh go for it market not picked up yet seems to be a lot more plasterers/builders coming out of the woodwork everyday when you look.Nice steady job with the local council will do you just fine probably home for 1 or 2 o clock fit your other work around it it will be fine.
I think in many ways this year could be tougher than last year IMHO . This year hasnt got of to a good start for most because of the weather.
If I was you I would take it for piece of mind if nothin else. :(
Plus by law if you have paid your mortgage in 9 consecutive months you are entitled to a payment holiday only found this out recently :)
id tend to agree,if its regular work and keeps a roof over your head.

can only speak for myself but works picking up for us at least, weve been steady for over a year quiet last year but now have about 3 months ahead at the moment which is the first time in about 18 months its been like this,
the problem at moment is a shortage of morgages for people as soon as banks start lending again it will giva a big boost to house building and domestic side again.
Thanks guys tend to think myself it makes a bit of sense, I,m based on west coast of scotland just outside Glasgow and thing is every new build house built is taped and filled and f?:k that so it has to be mainly domestic market and with all these 6 week course guys coupled with people not spending then i,ve got to break habit of a lifetime well 23 years in the game then and work with the council, big cheers again
Hello Nelly
I assume your asking me that, I was looking at getting a part time job when things were really slow so phoned up tax office for advice and they said there is nothing stopping you working and keeping your business ticking over you just have to declare everything when you submit your return
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