any one heard of quick skims?

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Customer rings and says oh Ive got ajob, its a small ish bathroom room ,just a quick skim.
Went round and two walls are drylined and blown. Had to cut out ,replace stud , re board. Put in timber frame for sink unit. Take down tiles that were left on. Then put in 2x1 and board for new light fitting. Then replace stud and board for new skirting as it wasnt low enough. Then scrape walls down of tile adhesive, filled 4 rubble bags before I'd even thought about gettin out plaster or beaded n pva'd !
Oh and it was 3 flights up! Yeh love them quick skims! ;)
I HATE IT WHEN THEY SAY THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or when they say its only small so will probably only take half an hour or so .

it wont take you long. if it wont take me long, then it will only take you twice as long. so you fuc king do it!
yea that 'it only needs a tight skim' really pi55es me off.
u gotta tell 'em i'd rather give it a heavy skim cos thats cheaper'
steve cov said:
the best one is, i just want to be able to paint it.....then the (french word)ers wallpaper it!

Or, 'are u gonna put coving up after i o/kim the room ?'-- 'NO', SO U TIDY UP ALL YER CEILING ANGLES
>:( >:( >:( >:(
I find it funny as f**k when they go on about the carpets and half of them are stained to f**k
its people in this country with that mentality that they never wanna pay a workman anything more than a few quid thats why they start with the word small or quick. some people dont like to pay more for a day than what they themselves earn because maybe in their heads they think they are better than us? they dont realise you have tax van insurance and not all year round work, these people p1ss me off the same kind that go in the pub braggin about i bought the lates mobile phone yeah or 50" telly and cost 2million quid yeah oh its the dogs yeah it even makes a brew yeah........ twa ts when they start with small or quick just hang up
Had a job the other day nearly all the ceilings in a house & some Walls here and there all water damaged.
Was insurance work for a builder.

Anyway t waty b0110x customer says to me you should be able to do this this this & this today my cousins a plasterer, ha ha haaaaaa! :D
Rooms full of stuff, carpets, lights to come down etc etc.
I said look mate im getting paid day work for this job so i will do a days work ok!!!!
T wat >:(

Had people phone up aswell saying can you patch up my window reveals they've all been changed it'll only take you an hour :D :D :D :D
I tell them I'm to busy ::)

And when your on a job & they say oh can you just give the bathroom ceiling a quick skim while your here >:( >:( >:( >:( ???
quick skim if i had a quid for everytime id heard that,
another one is while your here will you just do so and so it wont take you long. you dont go in tescos and say while im here can you throw a loaf of bread in for nowt do you.
That sodding rated people site always has that sort of thing (although i have had a few nice earners out of it) as well as a buget of under £100 that the punter thinks it's worth. tossssers.
i priced a little job a while back and nearly ended up arguing with the woman. its was the bit behind a rad that had been skimmed round before. do like a meter square. it was bout 45 mins away, so i said £80, which i thought was alright assuming i had to grab a bag of gear aswell. and she had the cheek to start asking me how can i justify £80 for such a small patch
I recieved an email a couple of days ago asking me to forward a price for a "20cm x 40cm ceiling repair ???
steve cov said:
it wont take you long. if it wont take me long, then it will only take you twice as long. so you fuc king do it!
I had a quick skim last week our barber does em grade one that is. haircut
jimfish said:
steve cov said:
it wont take you long. if it wont take me long, then it will only take you twice as long. so you fuc king do it!
I had a quick skim last week our barber does em grade one that is. haircut

I'm a Mach 3 man myself jim ;)
Nice & smooth just like my Walls ;D
essexandy said:
I recieved an email a couple of days ago asking me to forward a price for a "20cm x 40cm ceiling repair ???
thats a job for kirky then i think ;)
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