Any one got one of these bad boys?

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f**k*d that up try this,!Hawks&pid=1065

To go with you 24" trowel!
Just saw them, why would you want an adjustable hawk? its like the cam shaft trowl as about as much use as a chocolate tea pot ;D
yeah they got loads of them at my local b&Q.... just waiting for them to put them in the clearance section, then id probably get 1 and cut it down 15 x 15
You cant blame marshalltown for trying to make plastering a bit more interesting with all the gadgets and gizmos, but its a bit of a gutter when your shiny new cam shart thingy me bob gets all cloged up with shi.ite and stops be what it was when you first bought the crappy thing.
bod you didnt did you :-\...........p.s thats a bloody nice shovel ;).............ahem not that i use you know ....labs job and all that .........errrrrrrrrrr
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