angle corner of room cracks?????????

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New Member
hi everyone havent been on here for a while...... question need help with please.... my mate had an extension put on his house 4 / 5 years ago maybe...... the plaster right in the corner of all 4 walls has cracked heavy..... i've scraped all the loose stuff away with knife and i cant see any trace of scrim tape????? should you always scrim your internal angles or are there times when you don't???? he wants it sorting but don't really know what to do for the best???? thick bead of caulk skim away from the corners and feather in??? scrim up the corner and skim away snd feather in???? just always assumed you would scrim up always????? any hows nice to be back and any help would be massively appreciated... cheers ;D
if its board mate then thats the answer just caulk it , if its a backing coat something else is wrong
hi mate cheers for that... i assumed it was settlement cracks..... its boarded but even where the 2 walls meet the old house (thus solid walls with backing coat) its cracked there also???? is it just that they haven'y used scrim tape when they did it???? caulk will sort it?????? thanks again... ;D
cheers mate will do...... would caulking then skimming not do the trick or would it just just crack again????? when you go to a house say to do a walls only full re skim of a bedroom for example would you always re skrim the internal angles ???? or only if there were any cracks????? how would you approach this particular senario?? cheers for your help by the way spunky ;)
fibre tape is usually only used where board meets a solid wall ie ceilings meeting floated walls coz the chances of movement is higher.
like flynny says mate scrim boards and where different materials meet, if the angle has cracked ill skrim it ...i understand the abutment to the old building (where the new extension starts) and why that would crack but the actual new build corners shouldnt of cracked if its a backing coat.........could be settlement issues or a sign the lots about to topple over ;)
omg your kidding!!!! :o :o :o well the cracks are bad .... but only in the corners???? you think it may be a good idea to get a structural engineer to take a look ??? ???.... oh and its just under 4 years old.....
could be a prob mate its another reason chose dab nowadays the weight of hardwall has been known to lose whole blocks of flats footings
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