Alltek spray plaster

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Any one used it just been offered a start up in perth im tempted like the fella seemed genuine told him id never used it before he sed its easy once u get into it £2/squre as ive never used it i dunno wether thats a alright price or not
go on alltek website they reckon you can do 600m2 a day its sprayed on using an airless machine and spatted got to fill out joints and angles first it comes ready mixed theres a guy on lord and downing forum called blones who does it give him a shout he would tell you more about it
yeah had a look on their site an a video on youtube it seems easy enough well just been offered a start in liverpool so prob wont take it anyway cheers wizzard, is that enfield job happenin mate?
Napper I wouldn't mind the name and number of the guy in Perth as it's only 70 miles from me and I could be doing with the work, big time !
Hey Grand ime originaly from Enfield way and i know there is nothing going on so ime guessing the job must be housing association new build.
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