All extreme lefties

He's got an opinion...good for him
Sometimes opinions can be wrong. Like him saying the EU are forcing Poland and Hungary to accept immigrants lol.
These people have a vote for god sake
we were looking for originality, the forum is already full of members like you.
So my originality doesn't suit you. But my originality is reality. So please inform me of your definition of originality. Is it one where Europe completely look likes south America or may be South Africa where white people are scared for their lives everyday and knowone give a s***. I already see and have seen also heard of many people in this country, their own country may I add where they are afraid to say anything in case they loose their jobs and careers and their future for their opinions. Another thing from you know so much, can you please explain to me why diversity is only seen as extremely necessary in western countries and not anywhere else?
So my originality doesn't suit you. But my originality is reality. So please inform me of your definition of originality. Is it one where Europe completely look likes south America or may be South Africa where white people are scared for their lives everyday and knowone give a s***. I already see and have seen also heard of many people in this country, their own country may I add where they are afraid to say anything in case they loose their jobs and careers and their future for their opinions. Another thing from you know so much, can you please explain to me why diversity is only seen as extremely necessary in western countries and not anywhere else?
I agree that we need freedom of speech and that the minorities every whim should not be catered for, what is the solution, we all know the problems.
Hahaha we like the crazy people good show (y)
Crazy, nothing that I say is something that cannot be found if you search for any kind of truth, if they were willing to take the time to study what's going on around them instead of their interest being purely in themselves and for themselves. I like to base my truths on reality and what I see and have experienced not what I'm told to see. People do not like facts that's why they are played around with so that you loose interest or shut down altogether. here's a fact around 2009-2010 figures out showed that our economy receieved around 20 billion in tax from Europeans in this country and people from outside the EU took out 119 billion from this country. Check it if you still can. You people cannot be that blind or may be you just do not care for anything that was done by people before you to give you the good life many of you have. You care so little for your Country , your neighbourhoods and your people, so, so sad. Judas received thirty silver coins what did you accept.
All extreme lefties
I agree that we need freedom of speech and that the minorities every whim should not be catered for, what is the solution, we all know the problems.
I don't agree with violence or hatred of any individual but I do of their ideology to harm what I hold dear. We all know the problems yes, that's even more worrying because we have become afraid and we will loose everyhing if we all lay down and give up. One thing I believe is we must stick together and build and help each other out as we once did, not trample each other for money and material things. We are a minority in the world and that number year on year is getting less and less. Many of you may laugh but there is a war going on, not with guns and weapons but purely on birth rate and we are loosing it. What happened in parts of London is happening around the country and will engulf us and we will struggle greatly. I don't understand how over the last may be 30 years why people in western countries have learned to hate themselves and their own people so much to do them immense harm
I don't agree with violence or hatred of any individual but I do of their ideology to harm what I hold dear. We all know the problems yes, that's even more worrying because we have become afraid and we will loose everyhing if we all lay down and give up. One thing I believe is we must stick together and build and help each other out as we once did, not trample each other for money and material things. We are a minority in the world and that number year on year is getting less and less. Many of you may laugh but there is a war going on, not with guns and weapons but purely on birth rate and we are loosing it. What happened in parts of London is happening around the country and will engulf us and we will struggle greatly. I don't understand how over the last may be 30 years why people in western countries have learned to hate themselves and their own people so much to do them immense harm
What are the problems , as you see them , no more empire , no more invading other countries, no wars , these are good things . The world changes all the time , people migrate for varying reasons , some are great people some aren’t any use
Crazy, nothing that I say is something that cannot be found if you search for any kind of truth, if they were willing to take the time to study what's going on around them instead of their interest being purely in themselves and for themselves. I like to base my truths on reality and what I see and have experienced not what I'm told to see. People do not like facts that's why they are played around with so that you loose interest or shut down altogether. here's a fact around 2009-2010 figures out showed that our economy receieved around 20 billion in tax from Europeans in this country and people from outside the EU took out 119 billion from this country. Check it if you still can. You people cannot be that blind or may be you just do not care for anything that was done by people before you to give you the good life many of you have. You care so little for your Country , your neighbourhoods and your people, so, so sad. Judas received thirty silver coins what did you accept.
I wasn’t that interested :ROFLMAO:
So a new person suddenly joins, claims to be english but appears to be from somewhere else, and immediately launches into a contentious political rant bound to cause arguments
- are we being wound up by some fake news/foreign country/party business to see if anybody on this site bites?
Opinions are like arseholes, everybodys got one - maybe they are not really straight 'cos they seem awfully keen to share theirs
Selfbuild?? Yawn. Another excusenik. Blame "the others". Lefties nicked yer Nans pension did they? Or fire your doctors, nurses, coppers, and firemen. Shut down your local A&E, library or kids centres? Spose it was those nice Blue Meanies built a health service for ya, and a record amount of social housing when the country needed it. Did the Purple Poser stand up for fishermen? Working immigrants pay more taxation than long term indigenous lifetime claimants, who in turn pay more indirect tax than multinational tax dodgers, towards our services. Next time you stub yer toe, or need cancer care, more than likely one of those "aliens" subsuming your culture will be mopping up the juices for ya. Think on that, if possible.
Selfbuild?? Yawn. Another excusenik. Blame "the others". Lefties nicked yer Nans pension did they? Or fire your doctors, nurses, coppers, and firemen. Shut down your local A&E, library or kids centres? Spose it was those nice Blue Meanies built a health service for ya, and a record amount of social housing when the country needed it. Did the Purple Poser stand up for fishermen? Working immigrants pay more taxation than long term indigenous lifetime claimants, who in turn pay more indirect tax than multinational tax dodgers, towards our services. Next time you stub yer toe, or need cancer care, more than likely one of those "aliens" subsuming your culture will be mopping up the juices for ya. Think on that, if possible.
How did the beams in your loft turn out?
How did the beams in your loft turn out?
Ta for asking. Er, not quite got there yet - I'm doing the whole gaff (in and out, up n down) in 3/4 week visits, and the latest one was spent mainly on the outside of those beams which is 28m2 x 20mm vertical wood planking (since the weather was so good:)) Got the lower rot out, treated support wood with boron injection, fipronil and lignum, new wood in, sanded off old and all covered 4 hits with paints. Bit of lead work over doors. Shines like a pin now, good for another 100 years!!. Couple of wet days cut, shaped and placed rest of boards that end, but I figure its best to do all joints/edges in one run, day or so, below and above, and I have to wrestle some ceiling boards up at both gable ends first so I can do internal corners and vertical joints in a lump of mixes. Have access to a board lifter thankfully.
There. Spect yer glad you asked now?
Ta for asking. Er, not quite got there yet - I'm doing the whole gaff (in and out, up n down) in 3/4 week visits, and the latest one was spent mainly on the outside of those beams which is 28m2 x 20mm vertical wood planking (since the weather was so good:)) Got the lower rot out, treated support wood with boron injection, fipronil and lignum, new wood in, sanded off old and all covered 4 hits with paints. Bit of lead work over doors. Shines like a pin now, good for another 100 years!!. Couple of wet days cut, shaped and placed rest of boards that end, but I figure its best to do all joints/edges in one run, day or so, below and above, and I have to wrestle some ceiling boards up at both gable ends first so I can do internal corners and vertical joints in a lump of mixes. Have access to a board lifter thankfully.
There. Spect yer glad you asked now?
Fun times!! (y)
Selfbuild?? Yawn. Another excusenik. Blame "the others". Lefties nicked yer Nans pension did they? Or fire your doctors, nurses, coppers, and firemen. Shut down your local A&E, library or kids centres? Spose it was those nice Blue Meanies built a health service for ya, and a record amount of social housing when the country needed it. Did the Purple Poser stand up for fishermen? Working immigrants pay more taxation than long term indigenous lifetime claimants, who in turn pay more indirect tax than multinational tax dodgers, towards our services. Next time you stub yer toe, or need cancer care, more than likely one of those "aliens" subsuming your culture will be mopping up the juices for ya. Think on that, if possible.

f**k off GOGGLEBUM