Air Vent

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New Member
I've recently bricked up an old fireplace and plastered it, and I've now been told I should have put an air brick in it. Why is this necessary? I can now just drill some holes and screw a vent to the outside, but was just wondering why it needs to be there in the first place.
chimney needs to be vented to stop it condensating inside and eventually becoming damp and will create yellow soot stains to the inside plaster as the soot will draw all the moisture form the air unless vented
Thanx 4 the reply.
The fireplace was never used as a real fireplace, not for as long as I can remember anyway. There was an old gas fire there which had to be taken away for health and safety reasons. It looked fairly clean inside, so I don't think there's any soot.
It all depends if the chimney is capped off if not you need a vent on upper and lower floors else you gonna get condansation probs down the line for sure .
Also if the chimney has the old iron vents on the exterior brick work you would be fine also.
You can get small ornate vents not the 12x8 they used to use.
You could also put in an air brick behind the skirting board and slightly raise the skirting to allow air flow.
You dont need massive vents!! Just a slow trickle of air to stop condensation and effloresence build up.
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