Air test

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Doing a job at the moment and on our spec we have been told to take the plaster right down to the floor and leave no gaps between the floor and wall this is due to a air pressure test and needs to be completley sealed. Sureley there needs to be some sort of ventilation and not be completley sealed? Apparentley this is NHBC guide lines. I am not sure what this will do? I do know all damp problems are usually caused by not having enough ventilation. Any one else come across this one before its the first time i have heard of this? I thought it was a wind up at first but apparentley not.
All the external walls have been dot and dabbed the internals are just stud, so it is all plasterboard. But there have been a small gap around the bottom which we have had to fill.
all new builds bodplasterer have to have air pressure tests this days i dont think this applys to exstentions though, the ventilation is still there ,they just come in and seal every thing up pressurise the building turn the machine off and see how qickly the build loses pressure, its all to do with saving energy costs about £350 for an hours work, builders are just panicking and suddenlly trying to do a proper job ;D
Surley this is gonna cause a whole lot of other problems especially damp issues, all people produce condesation, its like trapping a little bit of water inside a bottle it wont have any way to escape.
you dont go right down to the floor, keep the boards off the floor but make sure you use solid dabs along the skirting line.
im doing a 42 apartment new build now and there as 2 be a 15mm breather space at bottom and there can be no more thn a 3mm gap around socketts 4 for sound and air :o
ARRGHHH AIR TEST!! DONT GET ME STARTED ON THIS ONE!!! Jus been workin on a job,about 50 apartments,i was doin dab an skim.ok,when dabbin,IMO and that of alot of others,i find it imperative to use plasterboard pads to rest my boards on,JUST THE ONE,this allows me to move the board around without it bein tight between floor and ceiling,also gives me a consistant base for me to accurately mark out sockets etc it makes dabbin sooo much easier......if theres a gap at the top due to a bad cut,jus block it out wit drywall.

Opposed to no pads,which can f*ck you up by A.struggling to get a nice snug fit between floor an ceiling consistantly because the floor boards fitted poorly by the joiner, leave gaps between the block wall big enough for your board to fall down (regardless that your dabs will bring it past the gap,you need to see it fits 1st before you dab)

B.when you use pads,if the boards a bit big,you can jus rasp the bottom of the board where the pad lies and try again,which is quicker than rapsing the whole length of the bottom,which still might not work if its a concrete floor thats all bumpy etc

ANYWAYS,this d*ck 'ed agent wanted the bottoms blockin out (wit drywall or whatever) for air testing SH*TE.but A.the boarders boards werent tight to the floor and f*cking was solid dabs,picture frame dabs around every wall!!!! aslong as you picture frame your walls correctly,USE PADS (try to use just one) then tell the agent to go ahead an air test your work,then tell him to shove his air testing right up his f*ckin arse!!!!! ;D
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