afternoon spray yet?

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Private Member
been using ecorend of late and switched to an afternoon spray.... was literally running out of daylight to finish it. the stuff hangs like crazy which is good once you suss it out. anybody else switched yet?
thinking about it but temps are still a bit up and down, you only need a warm night and the wind pick up and your in for a hard morning. Better to try and have a really early start and finish same day.
havnt done one yet goody but when the clocks go back we will have to where doing 110 meter sprays 3 to 4 times a week spraying for just after 8 and not getting away till about 5 30 - 6 would start even earlier if i could put am already travelling 1 hour there and back so think i am getting up early enough at 6 am
how many in ur team kev? 110m sprays is do you manage to keep the quality up....our work is mint but me number 1 is still learning really so we got the stabilisers on a bit
theres 3 of us goody me another spread and a labourer 110 meters aint bad its just getting to know your product well enough and having the confidence we spray it wet and in 2 passes always use a i section to flatten and to open the surface before using scratch pads . we got one of those big concrete marshaltown brushes off les a couple of weeks ago they finish the wall of well keeping the brush strokes in the same direction to make sure you dont get differant shades . everyones bin impressed so far long may it remain . hows the xl doing mate
Were using monorex gf with ashlar cuts and that's taking ages not finishing it til gone 7 and that's with having the gear on by 10 going to try an overnight scrape next week unless the temps pick up
xl's performing faultlessly.....excellent bit of kit. The ecorend we sprayed yesterday was just about perfect this morning being hard enough to lean into it with the i-sections without making that screechy horrible sound when it's too hard. Lovelly finish on that gear, finer than parex monorex which I prefer actually. We lay on in one pass.....well as far as spray a lift or half a lift, rule, fill drop down to next lift etc, is the two pass method much different, been wondering bout it. Kev seeing as your a man who clearly likes to explain things would you mind for my and the benefit of the forum in general explaining your process with the two passes. thanks
yeah it was cold tho ,but sheltered ,were using monorex gf at mo same day scrape were not finishing till 7ish ,started over night scrapenow ,just right in morn, weber cant do over night scrape yet too warm
yeah krend needs a base coat imo, had alot of probs this year with a certain colour and 3.5N blocks, shrinkage cracks everywhere but on up and over roofs on cem boards with hpx in same colour and same weather no probs at all, known shrinkage cracks in winter on blockwork too
Anyone left it over night with K-rend yet. Still doing it same day, on by 10- 10.30 getting away 5.30-6. seems to be hangin a bit especially with soaked blockwork!!
you could lay on a small area in the late afternoon whilst someone else is finishing off the scratching of what you laid on in the morning. Try to leave it fluffy with only minimal working so as not to make the skin too hard to break next morning.
goody said:
you could lay on a small area in the late afternoon whilst someone else is finishing off the scratching of what you laid on in the morning. Try to leave it fluffy with only minimal working so as not to make the skin too hard to break next morning.
Yeah, we had to leave some today cause the blockwork was soaked, so we'll see what it's like in the morning.
Trouble is we started doing the job scraping back same day, you sometimes get a difference in colour if you change over to next day half way through.
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