Advice on Palsterboarding and Skimming a Summer House

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New Member
Have been asked to board and skim a large Summer House.
The building will be finished next week and will be fully insulated.
Any advice on the best type of board to use for this along with any other advice much appreciated please.
8/4 plaster board just dryline it not so much mess as skiming and quicker tooooooo i done a log cabing last year drylined it in and out in 3 days 8/4s to walls and ceiling you will get a nice job at the end of it i was working with wy m8te to day dot&dabing out a 3 bed house the doard was never ending >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( get some pics m8te when its done ;)
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