advice on nvq  2 and 3

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New Member
hello to all and sundrie,
i hav been a plasterer for the last 8yrs but never passed an nvq .nowadays all sites stipulate these my standards are fine in all aspects,can anyone give advice on the most quickest method to obtain nvqs,the price and time .cheers
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

what part of the world are you from mate i've been asked for a cscs card now and then but never nvq papers
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

nvq papers ;D ;D ;D ;D....................... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

Hey Nicksey have you got a cscs card? We got ours last year through optimum we also had to do a nvq level 2 stating we were plasterers it cost us nothing but they told us it was costing £700 and they were getting it back as soon as we passed, the process was quite simple, some bloke came out to where we were working and assessed us, took some pictures, had to sign our name a thousand times answer a few simle questions, and hey presto a card and certicate was sent out saying we were plasterers.
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

i just sat the h+s test mate the boss sorted the rest
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

no mate just the test ....and a nice breaky
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

a did the cscs test didnt bother payin 30quid for the card most of the agencies that ive rang have said as long as ive got the certificate sayin av passed thats enough
Re: advice on nvq  2 and 3

i've been back on site screeding recently, only got a labourers cscs card but actions speak louder than words. nobodies questioned me about it at all...
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