Advice needed

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New Member
Hi guys,
Got an extension to start in glasgow on monday, the only problem is the exisiting external wall of the house is sandstone and cant be dabbed due to the the fact the customer wants to keep some of the existing features round the windows ect. .

I was thinking just to pva and put a tight coat of bonding on and then skim as norm. But im not sure if this is the right way to go or not ?

Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Also been doing a few artex ceiling jobs latley and on a couple of them once ive pva ed them and started scraping them back the artex has just started peeling off like paper, so had to remove all the artex before skimming which has been a bit of a pain !!
Is it something im doing wrong or does this just happen sometimes ???
thinking about it...sandstone is well porous, id be mindful of it a single storey extension? if so, cavity trays installed above the roofline would keep the water out of the external wall which is to become an internal wall...i presume theyre looking for a cornerstone detail round the windows yes? prolly render it carefully with s/c, plenty waterproofer, get a good 1/2" on there and cut it in to the edges when its gone off but green with a trowel at 45 degrees, get a good finish on it and they might not even want it skimming...just paint it white??? or maybe use k-rend rubbed up for that stone effect.....failing that just skim it day after.

artex...if some diy blokes had a go and not sealed the ceiling properly first then its lucky its stayed on this long to be honest, it just comes off in sheets with a floor scraper/trowel behind it... if thats the case just have it all off, at least it comes off easy...
does happen occasionally, keep an eye out for flaky bits when you go for the quote and mention it to em...all extras innit...
As far as the artex ceilings go they are unpredictable! When pricing jobs test them to make sure there's no lining paper underneath. If the artex is coming off or loose it won't take a skim. Drop it and resheet. If the artex starts popping like a bowl of Rice crispies let it take before second coat or you will probably be wearing first coat!
If the whole wall is sandstone i would probably put thistle bond-it on to it rather than pva, then stop bead round the windows, if they want it realy tight then use skim stops like you said tight coat of bonding, unless like bigsegs says that if there is any chance of damp getting in i wouldnt use bonding, you could use drycoat but you wont be able to skim the same day, but again you can get away with a really tight coat which you wont be able too with sand and cement. As for the artex i have experianced this my self and is very annoying when it happens, how we get over this problem is by overboarding, we usually tell the customer of this problem and suggest overboarding, only trouble is the extra cost, you can also use thistle bond-it on the ceiling and try skimming it the next day, but again it will have exta cost over the 2 day period most people go for the overboard option as its finished the same day.
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