advice needed please chaps

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New Member
went to look at a hall stairs today but the corners on the walls were big feck off rounded corners where you cant mesh bead them off square......just like to know what people on here do to get round the problem as i aint came across rounded corners that big before in the 5 years ive been on my own....cheers chaps
Does the customer want them retained and you skim them as is? Drill lots of decking screws into the corner at 45degree and glue and bond out with a plank on each side then use some fibreglass mesh overlapping the joint marks by 100 mm then skim as normal. Might have to hack back to masonry for proper bond. Or what about this......screw some PVC pipe trunking say 2" wide to the corner at 45degree then secure a roughing bead to that flush with either side?
goody said:
Does the customer want them retained and you skim them as is? Drill lots of decking screws into the corner at 45degree and glue and bond out with a plank on each side then use some fibreglass mesh overlapping the joint marks by 100 mm then skim as normal. Might have to hack back to masonry for proper bond. Or what about this......screw some PVC pipe trunking say 2" wide to the corner at 45degree then secure a roughing bead to that flush with either side?

goody said:
Does the customer want them retained and you skim them as is? Drill lots of decking screws into the corner at 45degree and glue and bond out with a plank on each side then use some fibreglass mesh overlapping the joint marks by 100 mm then skim as normal. Might have to hack back to masonry for proper bond. Or what about this......screw some PVC pipe trunking say 2" wide to the corner at 45degree then secure a roughing bead to that flush with either side?
w t f are you on lol
skim em and run a plastic bag down the curve once its firmed up a bit. run a search, someones explained it better than me before on here.
If she wants to keep them she obviously likes the decorative features - and I'm guessing you are wanting to break up the set, so why not put a thin-coat stop bead close to the corners and skim up to them - it could make a nice looking feature.
If the corners look a bit shi-ite at the minute - fill them and sand them before you skim them rest......
He did mention that they were big f**k off rounded corners. A bit of lateral thinking brings interest to a well trodden path you bunch of counts lol ;D
goody said:
He did mention that they were big (french word) off rounded corners. A bit of lateral thinking brings interest to a well trodden path you bunch of counts lol ;D

You on the beer??
no such luck mate just the usual suspects making fun without actually contributing that much. Criticisers not contributers. Sometimes the need arises when you have to crack on with a job and get it done and simply don't have the time to fuss about like an artisan building bonding out 6". After all buildings aren't built with solid render/plaster they use bricks/blocks ie packers which is what i was getting at to speed the process up. Should have suggested plasterboard instead of conduit maybe but hey adapt to the situation not just shout bonding like a sheep!!
The custumer wants to keep them round so thats what u will have to do .
I came acros many round corners and for some reason 90% of costumers want to keep them round.
If the angle is 90 degrees or less it will eat a lot of ur time .
U can fill when the plaster is set and sand later when its dry or u can try with a plastic bag but i have never done that before.
I personaly just keep rubbin it until i get it right but ill be triky if uve never done it b4.
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