Adding PVA to Plaster Mix??

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New Member
HI Al,

I'm after some advice, just had an insurance job done which included re plastering the chimney breast. The "plasterer" (Turns out he was really a painter and decorator) added PVA to the plaster mix??
Apparently he repainted the Chimney Breast without the plaster drying properly and didnt apply a mist coat- Needless to say the plaster and paint finishing was terrible and the paint started pealing after a day or so.
He made such a C$$P job of it that we had to get in another plasterer to reskim properly who had not heard of adding PVA directly to the plaster mix.
Does anyone know of this and what are the long term consequences if any - Don't want problems with plaster / paintwork in the future etc.

Thanks in advance...
Never heard of adding PVA to the mix, however the only problems I'd have thought it'd cause would come to decorating.

If the PVA was added to the first coat only then the second coat went over it then I cant see it causing too many problems.

However, I wouldnt do it just incase, and it dont take long to PVA the wall and let go tacky, specially if laid on neat.
Top tips should be shared imo! I reckon the re***d that done it got confused and rather than putting the pva on before hand threw it in with the mix
barryed said:
Top tips should be shared imo! I reckon the re***d that done it got confused and rather than putting the pva on before hand threw it in with the mix

if he was a painter he probably thought itd set too quick for him so put PVA in to slow it down
if he was a painter he probably thought itd set too quick for him so put PVA in to slow it down

Is this something you do Steve
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the replies.
Put my mind at rest and gave me a giggle into the bargain.
To say he was rushing was an understatement - although I don't know why it took 2 men over 1 week to repalster a chimney breast and repaint a 15' square front room!!Unfortunately the insurers paid for this - not good value for money i'd say. No wonder premiums are so high.
I did hear that he'd been sacked - so I'd be weary of employing any decorators / plasterers in the Plymouth area.

purdydog said:
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the replies.
Put my mind at rest and gave me a giggle into the bargain.
To say he was rushing was an understatement - although I don't know why it took 2 men over 1 week to repalster a chimney breast and repaint a 15' square front room!!Unfortunately the insurers paid for this - not good value for money i'd say. No wonder premiums are so high.
I did hear that he'd been sacked - so I'd be weary of employing any decorators / plasterers in the Plymouth area.

plymouth area eh well that adds something to the story a certain richard brown is always looking for good men
Unfortunately purdydog Plymouth is well known in the plastering trade as having the countrys worst plasterers
sad but true :(

Carping just so you know they sell mobile phones these days!
I couldn't be arsed carrying that big phone about everywhere & plugging into the customers houses!
Get yourself down to your local carphone warehouse matey ;)
kebab king said:
if he was a painter he probably thought itd set too quick for him so put PVA in to slow it down

Is this something you do Steve

it depends if i've got the whole day to go at it. if i have then ill do the front in one set and the cheeks on the second set. if i need to do it all i'll put 5litres of PVA: in the mix.
Bruce Willis said:
what exactly was up with the chimney breast?
The washing machine in the flat above emptied itself down the chimney breast, soaked and cracked the plaster- looks like the plumbers down here are no better than the plasterers :-\

The joy.... maybe give teh insurance company a call tell them its shite work maybe they will help cover the repairs for teh second time... or go visit your neighbour and split another

purdydog said:
Bruce Willis said:
what exactly was up with the chimney breast?
The washing machine in the flat above emptied itself down the chimney breast, soaked and cracked the plaster- looks like the plumbers down here are no better than the plasterers :-\
sorry mate , no ,I meant with the photo in Carpings post!
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