same boat, 36, feel down to 2 sets a day, 5 days of that and im knackered..
when i was in my 20's it was 2 ibuprofen 400's and 2 stellas, couldnt feel a thing...cant even do that anymore cos 2 stellas and i wanna stay in the pub...or go home..
what i do now is go and see a physio, paul parkin, works with the british athletics team, well clued up bloke...just needs a top up massage, straighten out every month or two...
he'll get his fingernails in the tendons and stuff at the top of my glutes, lower back, side of knees etc, hurts like hell but it works wonders, takes a day or so to ease up..quick massage and bobs your dads brother...
costs 30 quid for an hour...
dont think any old massage does it, they need to know what theyre doin, sees a lot of builders and plumbers (boilers etc) and gives some bloody good advice..
good tip - lie on your back with your calves/feet on the settee, knees at 90 degrees, thin cushion under your lower back if need be...wot it does is take the pressure off everything allowing it to relax and sort itself out...takes about 20 minutes, and get up slowly...youll notice the that from paul...
btw, the stiff neck and shoulders he sorts in about 20 seconds, its the lower back, knees and top of my arse thats the problem...its all in the tendons and stuff, and its all connected right from your achilles heel to the top of your neck...
told me about a footballer that kept getting headaches..turns out hes got an achilles heel problem, posture was doin him in...