A Year On

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Well 1 year and 2 months have passed since I started the forum, and all I can say is that I am overwhelmed with the response and the commitment from you the members.

we have 305 members
we have made 3471 Posts within 567 Topics.

congratulations to everybody that has taken part

All the best

u know what? i reckon most people havent got a clue what we plasterers put ourselves through, its got to be one of the most labour intensive jobs on the planet, u need an eye for detail, a good sense of commitment and a fair old amount of skill...same as any other trade really...but how many other trades have had a go at plastering?? not many...most people will have a go at a bit of tiling, hang the odd door, wire up a light switch or even lay a few bricks but you mention plastering down the pub and they all go 'ppppfffff...not my thing mate'...
wot i mean is...its good to have somewhere to go to share all the tips, moans and backache!! well done mate
Hey bigsegs i thought the same as you until i started this job a few months ago and everyone on the site "claim" they are a spread yet me and my mate are the only ones there actually plastering. Well saying that we actually seen one of the labradors doing a bit of plastering on some stonework preparing it for vandex it was painful to watch had to jump in and give him a hand then take over what he was doin, gave me a little chuckle.
thats when they turn into 'plastering...pffff not my thing mate...!!'... looks easy to the inexperienced, speciallly when they watchin a good spread....takes effort and practice this game, bit like playin a guitar...
i could teach anyone how to fit kitchens, skirting boards, architraves, dig footings etc in a short space of time..even cut worktops..fit windows.. the basics anyway and they could achieve a reasonable standard if they do exactly what i tell em to do but plasterin....not a chance...6 months minimum.. and thats just the basics....like what your on about?? vandex?? wots that?? eml in sheets?? lost me mate?
havin said that a good teacher can achieve a good student in two weeks...maybe just skimming...i reckon shandor is a bloody good example of that, hungarian lad used to work with me for maybe a year...started him on overskimming, THEN put him on board...nuff sed
Its really funny as well some people who call them selves plasterers when all they can do is skim, plenty of them on sites ;D Actually the bloke i work with started as a taper then started skiming (self taught) now he's well accomplished in all aspects of plastering well he should be he's been doing it 10 years now. But aint it funny when you have a long break from plastering say like christmas, when you get back it takes a couple of weeks to get back into it, its one of those trades where you need to be doing it all the time not an occasional thing.
yeh dead right mate...but i suppose most trades are to an extent, but plastering......any time off and you find yourself teaching yourself things you already knew but forgeot yeh? then you find yourself grinning to yourself..still its like riding a bike innit...human body is capable of a lot..
come to that you ever try that seatin position back on the floor for a bad back??
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