a room

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i have a room to skim, 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.6 high ..........1. how much are you going to charge ?. ..............................no ceiling to skim......................................2. how long will it take ? .................................................................. the room has a door, and 1 window which needs beading, no sill bead, all walls are plasterboard, all materials are on the job, so only answer 1 and 2 this is not a real job, just a bit of a poll, to see what we all would charge, and how long you think it would take you
cheers slippy, forgot to mention its not a real job, its more of a poll, just to see what everybody would charge, and how long it would take :)
is that because our economy is thriving up ere warriror? i luv it.
Del as you know warrior is avin a laugh at the other rates. I always stick to a general guide price for a room or a M2 if there was plenty to go at. Price ranges of 100-300 are what causes confusion and misstrust among punters, Look at the figures there is a 200% price difference although you can get SLIGHTLY different rates regionally I would say £100 one man one nice day in your hand, punter will be happy and you will be more likely to have your name banded about for future reference. If you price for a Qs they will only listen to industry rates with a price margine of around 10% but at the moment cheapest wins. hope this helps
Blimey, I'll keep quiet in future - people chew my arm off for a room including ceiling at £450 - Theres no way I'd work my balls off to do an entire room for £100 in a day, thats just crazy ! Good luck to ya chief
I did one like that today but plastered over artex ceiling in the morning and hit walls in the afternoon. Started at 8:30 was done by 4:30. £180.Came up sound. Chap gave me another 3 rooms and downstairs ceilings.He'll have to wait 4 weeks though.
So yes 1 day(including ceiling) and £180 -£230 is a fair price.
thing is mate one man one day at 100 notes for a days money in a recession is equal to 5ton per week! so depends on your own needs but if I was looking at £200 for 4 walls round my way i would simply be putting myself out of a job, measure up at a going industry M2 rate of around £2.25 - £3 a square m and I bet your not far off. On the other hand if you can get it then grab it with both hands, cant knock anyone for getting as much as poss
iv just got the same job on now.. but with NO ceilings 4 rooms all plasterboard all kit is on job and they are payin cash.. iv charge 235 a room and have a spread doin a room a day for 80 cash in hand..jobs a good un!
All materials on the job? £150 - £160 would suit me mate. Sweet. Carlsberg don't dish out plastering jobs....but if they did.... 8)
oasis you can be a real cock sometimes you know, im working for less than 100 a day at the min cos iv got a family to fead and bills to pay.
your ok coming on here shouting your mouth off saying owt under 120 is crap ect but when works this quite you take what you can or dont pay the bills simple as.
lot of different prices depending where you are, 150 to 200 seems to be the bench mark. i would do it for 150, and have a easy day,
BKH,,wernt tryin ta be a (french word) taker just sayin,must be bad hearin all theys cheap prices.. ur rite i can be a knob head sum days.. sori mat'eee (i wants't shoutin i was quite quiet)
entily up to you mate,thats my price,labourer to pay,van to run ,materials to get,tax ,ni to pay ,profit to make,plinsurance to pay dont think ill be doin it for 120
same as.. i have to earn 500 a week after tax just 2 pay all bills and kids ect..if i found things bad id just have to get are mrs on the game.
personally i dont see how anyone who is running a business..can work for under 250 - 300 a day all things taken into consideration...car maintenance, insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance, advertising, internet, gas, electrics, mortgage, phone, fuel, work clothes, personal clothes, condoms, beer, food, mortgage, wife, etc etc if your working for some1 else as a subcontractor then ok 120 no probs as you cut out alot of the overheads...

my real quotewould be 250 not including mats...but i've got a hell of alot of overheads.
i charge £110-£150 a day for labour only.... then add on materials, also £5-£10 day for fuel at the end of job, dont have lab.. probably dont have as many celints as u either.
sounds like.... alot of u are up to your neck in mortages, fast cars, kids ect. but do agree that it is hard to earn a living on £150 a day if you've got a family 2 look after.
dont want to come across tryin to be a know it all,but some of ya want ta work out what you real cost are and how much ya makin cus at the end of the day thats wat its all about
also i find what people say and what people do are two completely different things..... but that dosnt apply for every1
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