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Job was cut short today when i was bonding an artex ceiling and a massive drop landed rite in my eye never felt pain like it. Had a little bit of multi in it but nothing like this. Doctor put anestetic drops in and cleaned it out with what seemed like a jet hose. It'l be goggles for me from now on. If i don't go blind that is :-[ sure atleast a few of you guys hav experienced this?
PS you will only were the safty goggles a week at most then you will fire them to f##k, Thats wat i did anyway lad ::)
it will do the aggregate in the bonding will scratch the lens and make it feel like somethings still in there,trust me after a&e irregation it will be clear!!!
Yeah i had it with multi a couple of years ago was to high and it came off the bead so much went in i couldn't even open my eye with my fingers s**t myself got taken to the hospital where they told me they were trying to help me didn't feel that way!The best thing was we were working 40 miles from home when i got taken to the hospital i couldn't see out of either eye so went blind had to go back again the next day so my wife took me and she asked ME where it was as if i knew!was sore for about 2 weeks and even now if i get even a bit of sand in my eye it feels like someone has stuck there finger in it. :-/
been there done that TWICE so painful when they give you the drops to newtralize the lime feels like your head is about to explode , best thing to do mate is to try not to use your eyes fopr a few days i tryed to sleeop asmuch as possabe. it still feels like thee is sand in it besause youve scratched your eye ball it will be like that for a few days , :o :'(
Yeah i had it last year couldnt see for days my eye completley closed over when i got to the eye hospital i dont know what hurt more the stuff they put in or the plaster :'( i said from then on i will wear goggles, did for little while then just stopped i dont think i will ever learn ::)
I can't be doing with goggles mate so take the eyeball challenge on a daily basis....

I've had multi drop in 'em a few times but never bonding. It's amazing how many near misses I have without really thinking about it. More often than not the multi just misses my eye and ends up on the old snitch. Either my conk is too big or my eyes are small and beady  ;D
Yeah i had it last year couldnt see for days my eye completley closed over when i got to the eye hospital i dont know what hurt more the stuff they put in or the plaster :'( i said from then on i will wear goggles, did for little while then just stopped i dont think i will ever learn ::)

I think pain is easily forgotten mate thats the problem
I can't be doing with goggles mate so take the eyeball challenge on a daily basis....

I've had multi drop in 'em a few times but never bonding. It's amazing how many near misses I have without really thinking about it. More often than not the multi just misses my eye and ends up on the old snitch. Either my conk is too big or my eyes are small and beady  ;D

Ive had a good few near misses aswell ;D few times ive shut my eye just in time and my eyelids been bombed! this 1 the ceiling was really quite low and just didn't have time to react :-/
Granty boy you should of let the bonding go hard then hit a slap with the hammer :D Thats wat my boss at the time told me , he was a right smart g##t anyway
Granty boy you should of let the bonding go hard then hit a slap with the hammer :D Thats wat my boss at the time told me , he was a right smart g##t anyway
....or just PVA your eyeballs before every ceiling job :o
aye it stings a bit rolling it on a ceiling dripped in my eye a few times. Don't know how i can still see!
it hurts more than spunk ........never lie down while youre wan*ing   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
the lad i used to labour on caught a load in his eye of the back of his trowel ...............all i remember was mixing and him start to walk to the side of me like a zombie  ;D ;D ;D.......he couldnt see sh*t  ;D ;D............he ended up having the dye put in and both eyes swelled like a trooper for a few day
i was on the top level of my stilts on a huge celing when i got a load of skim in me eye!cant say it reali hurts dow had it a few times ..never been much of a prob 4 me?
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