5 day course

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New Member
Hi im about to start a 5 day plastering course ive been reading bad things about these courses. Im not aiming to leave my current job overnight but do intend to be a plasterer are these courses any good i have found one in waddon croydon has anyone been there.
Hello Lee,

Welcome to the forum,

I can honestly say that 5 days is not really long enough but does stand you good grounds in learning the basics.... You would be better off trying to do a 2 week or 3 week course this way you could probably leave and start doing little private jobs

As Danny said, 5 days is pretty much nothing.
I have a saying. 'The more you learn, the more you learn.'
Stupid, but its bloody true! ;D

I was working hands on with a guy for months before i was skimming myself. And two years before i worked for myself.
And im still learning.
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