4 bed detached surrey

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got a refurb on a 4 bed detached to do, some ceilings downstairs are artex.
will more than likely get the whole house skimmed as the walls are battered about.
anyone give me a rough estimate to costs ?
Hi mate,

im in Surrey and would be more than happy to give you a quote. Im mostly a venetian polished plasterer but I also do a lot of skim work.

Send me a PM if your interested.

I'm basingstoke but will travel, done a few in farnham, happy to quote for you.

hi mppolishedplasteri, i was looking into doing a venetian plastering coarse recently, have you got much on?

cheers gents! pug
i'll do it for 300 a day mate im based in bristol so im charging for traveling plus 8 hours work plus i need toget a new keyboard :)
hi mate,

where do you get most of your work from,as i thought polished work was a bit of a specialized field
i'll do it for 300 a day mate im based in bristol so im charging for traveling plus    8 hours work plus  i need toget     a new keyboard  :)

lol your about £120 more than had rough quotes by.

trouble is with day rate you fellas might might work to a diffrent time zone than me ;D
i'll do it for 300 a day mate im based in bristol so im charging for traveling plus    8 hours work plus  i need toget     a new keyboard  :)

lol your about £120 more than had rough quotes by.

trouble is with day rate you fellas might might work to a diffrent time zone than me  ;D
you might want a per m price which strart at 25 and can go up 35+ dependant on the background
you'll get 8 hours on daywork
i'll do it for 300 a day mate im based in bristol so im charging for traveling plus    8 hours work plus  i need toget     a new keyboard  :)

lol your about £120 more than had rough quotes by.

trouble is with day rate you fellas might might work to a diffrent time zone than me  ;D
you might want a per m price which strart at 25 and can go up 35+ dependant on the background
you'll get 8 hours on daywork

£25 -£35 a meter ;D you sure
thing is churchie...if people are gonna pay the sort of rates im hearin about grand a wall sort of stuff...always better to get in while the goings good and get out before the arse drops out of it...wonder if i could drop some magnolia in my toppin???
i'll do it for 300 a day mate im based in bristol so im charging for traveling plus    8 hours work plus  i need toget     a new keyboard  :)

lol your about £120 more than had rough quotes by.

trouble is with day rate you fellas might might work to a diffrent time zone than me  ;D
you might want a per m price which strart at 25 and can go up 35+ dependant on the background
you'll get 8 hours on daywork

£25 -£35 a meter  ;D you sure
sorry mate im :confusing you with someone else :)
thing is churchie...if people are gonna pay the sort of rates im hearin about grand a wall sort of stuff...always better to get in while the goings good and get out before the arse drops out of it...wonder if i could drop some magnolia in my toppin???
lol  ;)you crack on mate ,ill wait till the arse drops out of it , and charge 2k to re skim it......
come on heston, think about it...from what i can gather u gotta be pretty good at skimming to even start this game, i.e. proper flat, no misses, no stripes, nothin...so that narrows it down a bit....in theory, if the work is there, and were talkin about where the money is..i dunno cambridge (near enough to me) chelsea, i dunno name yer place..poke yer ad at em, who wouldnt rather be doin 3 days a week for double bubble??...ill overskim the buggers myself in a few years i dont care? if its what they want you gotta give it to em?
Modern day artex!?
What are you stupid or something!
First of all its perfectly flat, looks and feels like glass, and I get paid £200 plus a square metre to do it.
Still think youve found a modern day artex?
god, thats double what ive been told...
and youve got plenty on? thats best part of 2 grand per average wall..
am i right in assuming that once youve got the wall flat and troweled up (stage 1), what you basically do is add the colour then when thats dry trowel a wax on for shine?...had a look on u tube a while ago..
so maybe 3 x 1/2 days...
how many different types of finish is there??
thinking of doin a wall in the house just for a lookster..
Go on my site mate

All the finishes are on there and then I can create any colour you can imagine for each one of the different styles.
The best way to look at it is that every finish is unique, you see every trowel mark and no wall is ever the same as another, thats why people like it and pay top money for it.

If your going to do it always make sure that you skim the wall first, lime based plasters cant take any movement whatsoever.
Then I use a special primer, similar to bondit but with different ingredients, just to give it a key, then like you said the coats are applied.
Make sure you never polish any of the coats apart from the top coat, otherwise you will get rips and tears, and make sure you only apply the top coat 1 metre square at a time, polishing with your trowel as you go.

The most important things are be careful not to scratch it as any marks show through and DONT think that polishing it with wax will get a perfect finish if your trowel work isnt up to scratch.

If youve got any more questions send me a PM mate as those youtube vids are a bit shoddy
Modern day artex!?
What are you stupid or something!
First of all its perfectly flat, looks and feels like glass, and I get paid £200 plus a square metre to do it.
Still think youve found a modern day artex?
yes !!!!!!  by artex i meant that its a fad  and poeple are now paying to get rid im not knocking your work i dislike the product also how much does it cost to advertise your website on this forum ?
also sorry mate how did you get into it? did you do a course or did you learn on site?
Thats quality its like a cross between decorating and plastering i knew the day would come the times i have been asked by the decorators to put paint in the plaster ;D It looks realy cool though how do you go about getting into that?
Modern day artex!?
What are you stupid or something!
First of all its perfectly flat, looks and feels like glass, and I get paid £200 plus a square metre to do it.
Still think youve found a modern day artex?
yes !!!!!!  by artex i meant that its a fad  and poeple are now paying to get rid im not knocking your work i dislike the product also how much does it cost to advertise your website on this forum ?

Church it certainly isnt a fad if you checked out the site it tells you how long its been around, i think personally it is superb, something i would like to add to my bow, mp could you type up the start to finish process, i know its not that simple but start off a seperate thread on polished plasters also how does it blend in if you do a metre at a time?
Modern day artex!?
What are you stupid or something!
First of all its perfectly flat, looks and feels like glass, and I get paid £200 plus a square metre to do it.
Still think youve found a modern day artex?
yes !!!!!!  by artex i meant that its a fad  and poeple are now paying to get rid im not knocking your work i dislike the product also how much does it cost to advertise your website on this forum ?

Church it certainly isnt a fad if you checked out the site it tells you how long its been around, i think personally it is superb, something i would like to add to my bow, mp could you type up the start to finish process, i know its not that simple but start off a seperate thread on polished plasters also how does it blend in if you do a metre at a time?

Flynnyman how long have you been plastering and how many people have asked you to do it  ? times that by how many  you know have had it done and then divide that by how many poeple have phoned you up in the last two year asking how they can get this product ?and then add that too the ammount of people that are wiilling to pay £200 pound a sq meter to have this product in the current market in there home......? and that = the answer ??
I would imagine that people would pay it as it can be a feature and people do like to have feature walls in there house, the only trouble i think is that people also like to change what they got every so often and paying a grand for a small feature wall is alot, its like that terrazzo flooring the jobs i have worked on where they just covered it up cause its not fashionable any more. My old man told me when they used to lay it years ago they used to put screens up so no one could see how they did it.
theres a right old 2 sides to this story aint there...
ill bet if it DIDNT cost upwards of a grand per wall then loads of people would be lovin it...
i must be one of a very few people that think a really well done artex ceiling with a decent pattern (not too ott) looks quite nice, specially on larger rooms where a big flat expanse of nothing can look a bit bare...
but ill bet the reason artex fell by the wayside is cos it was made available to joe public to have a go himself...and for a short while it was the in thing cos 1 people could afford it and 2 people liked to tell the neighbours of their brand new 'artex' ceiling...
thing is once people got tired of the novelty and realised that badly prepared or carried out it looked absolutely pants then 'artex' become a by word for 'dodgy'...
if it werent for the tinernet chances are very few of us would have even heard of 'polished/venitian plastering'..
but word spreads fast people and how long before the IMMIGRANTS!!!!!! :D start advertising 'genuine eastern european polished plastering..the market leaders in cheknoslagiusso' - #750 a wall (or less)..
now mppolished plastering seems to have a bit of a pedigree in the feild...all good, looks bang on, quality product...
but if a numpty like me can watch a few u tube vids, buy a tin of the stuff, do a couple of my own walls for practice and then when it looks maybe half as good as it should, get someone round and go 'look, polished plasterin 8-), i did that!!...o i dunno maybe 700quid, goin rates about 2 grand...'
the temptation is almost toooooo much :P
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