Render Systems
Private Member
Ok chaps looking for machine men near york to put on 200 m2 of parex mono start around 14th august fixed price only per m2
PM me if interested
PM me if interested
simplybesty said:yet another job posted up by mr systems nobody seems to have done it but i expect we will get a video of how to do it. mono stright onto old brick with no pre rend,![]()
dont think thats to spec and you being a parex approved mr systems you should have known. Maybe thats why you got the job, because everyone else priced to do it right with a prerend first ???
its funny because ive spoke to the tech guys at parex and they all recommend using cpi,s high bond as a pre rend, prob work out cheaper than lanko latex any how its only £7 a bagwarriorupnorth said:What about pre-rend ? i know parex say they don't kneed a pre rend with their mono (just put lankolatex in your first pass ??? they say )but it would need a pre rend mate