2 blockages in 1 day

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Private Member
was spraying skim today. got the machine set up, chucked a bag in and started it up and it grinded to a halt. reallised i hadnt reconected the water pipe into the mixing chamber and it had jammed with dry gear. so by hand unloaded the multi back into its bag. unblocked the hose and started again. all good.
then after lunch got setup, bag of multi into the hopper. pressed go and it grinded to a stop again. this time i had remembered to connect the water pipe but had forgot to turn the water switch back to on. so blocked to f**k again. first time iv managed to do it twice in 1 day
McPlaster said:
The water switch is a bitch on a ritmo, should be turned on and left at that i reckon.

i only use it when i want to put the cleaning shaft in. so i turn the water off so its drained enough so i can see to get it in the slot. but yeah its a pain when u forget to switch it back on.
u got ur skimming setup yet?
No Nik, we seem to do more moncouche than anything else these days. I reckon i got the machine bit covered with a G4 and ritmo and the moeys not around like it was, i'm pleased i invested when i did.
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