1st & 2nd coat from the same mix????

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New Member
I've been reading most of the posts and it seems that you's put your first coat on, wait a bit then mix new plaster and put the second coat on. This sounds like a good way of doing it as I've been taught to mix one batch, use 2/3 for your first coat and then go straight over with the remaining plaster as soon as poss. This does work and gives a good finish but it means that I'm limited as to how far I can get with a mix and have to split walls up into sections and join in. I'm wary of doing it a different method as I'm new to the game and I can judge my timings well the way i'm currently doing it but want to cover more.
It all depends on the size of the job when were on site we usually do between 4 and 6 bag sets so we usually second in with fresh, but if its only a small set we tend to second in with the same mix just soften up for second coat gives you a little more time.
welcome to plastering and this is why it takes years to perfect because you get to know skimming better than youre missus :-*
your always gona have waste when you do a mix dont be bothered av always mixed up a first coat slaped it on the wall got rid of wats left then a wait 5mins flatten it in a bit then do my second mix n slap that on a dont try n shove the waste in to a bag a just knock it on top ov an empty plaster bag cos its gona dry n go hard anyway. a think doin it with 2 mixes gives a better finish aswell
what sort of size walls are you spliting up,if they are large areas go for two coats from two batches gives yourself a bit more time as well
i worked with a lad who didn't give a fu*k i was only labouring at the time, he used to lay hardwall on with his hawk (so i thought he was great) and skimming he was all over the place woosh woosh up down left right he didn't care ;D but fook me he was quick .......and shite ;D
there's no golden rules with ze skimming mate just slap it on till you feel comfy enough to have time to cut youre angles out and flatten in then put a fresh one over the top, and theres no golden rule top how long it should pick up it comes from experience, if it helps it should feel spongey, 2m or 60 m
what sort of size walls are you spliting up,if they are large areas go for two coats from two batches gives yourself a bit more time as well
I think I need more time so this would be a better technique for me, so before you put the second coat on with the new plaster, what am i looking for the first coat to be like, firm? soft? etc.
I'd never break walls up to fit in with what ive got knocked up.Knock up for what you want to put on 1,2or 3 buckets and roughly half again for second coat.If your gonna use the same mix for 1st and second coat you might as well just put one thick coat on.
what sort of size walls are you spliting up,if they are large areas go for two coats from two batches gives yourself a bit more time as well
I think I need more time so this would be a better technique for me, so before you put the second coat on with the new plaster, what am i looking for the first coat to be like, firm? soft? etc.

Rubbery like suede!
If you've got an Ann summers catalogue its on page 19.
The blond is wearing it!!!
what sort of size walls are you spliting up,if they are large areas go for two coats from two batches gives yourself a bit more time as well
I think I need more time so this would be a better technique for me, so before you put the second coat on with the new plaster, what am i looking for the first coat to be like, firm? soft? etc.

Rubbery like suede!
If you've got an Ann summers catalogue its on page 19.
The blond is wearing it!!!

Well F**k me thats where my wife gets her pocket money from she models for ann summers on the side ;) ;) :o
what sort of size walls are you spliting up,if they are large areas go for two coats from two batches gives yourself a bit more time as well
I think I need more time so this would be a better technique for me, so before you put the second coat on with the new plaster, what am i looking for the first coat to be like, firm? soft? etc.

Rubbery like suede!
If you've got an Ann summers catalogue its on page 19.
The blond is wearing it!!!

Well F**k me thats where my wife gets her pocket money from she models for ann summers on the side ;) ;) :o

What wearing multi!!
what sort of size walls are you spliting up,if they are large areas go for two coats from two batches gives yourself a bit more time as well
I think I need more time so this would be a better technique for me, so before you put the second coat on with the new plaster, what am i looking for the first coat to be like, firm? soft? etc.

Rubbery like suede!
If you've got an Ann summers catalogue its on page 19.
The blond is wearing it!!!

Well F**k me thats where my wife gets her pocket money from she models for ann summers on the side ;) ;) :o

What wearing multi!!

It might work i think i have a semi thinking about that!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT
you dont, you either get someone to help you or do dp's trick, called rolling the guage, all bout layin a bucket on then when you top it go further then top the bit that hasnt been topped...dp'll be able to explain it better
ok large ceiling, so how do you do a big ceiling? my sitting room has an 11m long ceiling & i was going to do in 2 hits, have done one 2/3rd that size in 6 hours - with my bro knocking up, but not sure I could manage the whole room in one hit??

barbi girl :-*
Rolling gauge.....
Right then listen in!!

I start with half a bucket and lay on 1st coat across ceiling. (area1) Flatten off and mix up full bucket
Lay on 2nd mix over area 1 and carry on with remainder across ceiling as 1st coat. (area2)
flatten off whole area that's 1st trowel for area1 and flatten for area 2.
another whole bucket and lay on as 2nd coat for area2 and carry on as 1st coat for new area (area3)
Now when you flatten\trowel you're doing 2nd trowel for area1 1st for area2 and flatten for area3.
Area1 is now virtually done so.... another bucket load and 2nd coat area3 1st coat area4.
2nd trowel area2 1st trowel area3 and flatten area4 etc etc

that's very basic and you need to be very mobile so stilts really for a ceiling or just run like an idiot along the wall.

You still have to work to the gear but always try to lay onto a wet edge.

Hope thats clear it's easier to demonstrate.

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