17 sites

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Private Member
as the title says ive been to 17 sites in liverpool and manchester over the last 2 days and nothing jobs ive had lined up keep getting put back had nothing decent since before xmas really.

Asmuch as i hate domestic work think im gonna have to get advertising again >:(
All my works pretty much domestic stuff and small local builders, and that's pretty thin on the ground at the minute (all those that were on sites are now looking for work on the domestic side off the trade)
ive only been cis reg but if i did an invoice job for a customer what would i do?..........do i just take it to my accountant at the end of the year ?
depending on who u have invoiced tho it doesnt mean it has to be accounted for not that im advocating tax evasion ::)
true my window jams on the van ......would hate to see it fly out the window ::)
I know it sounds bad but I'm glad it's not just me. Only couple of days since xmas :'(

I take my lad to school every day now and the yard is full of bloody builders. Sad times.
would of still be in work for mcdermotts but i refused to travel to leicester for 3 days inbetween xmas an new year so got finished the first day back after xmas break
napper. check out round northern quarter,victoria station area.lot of stuff happenin big sites,may get lucky.ashton old road lot going on round area.gdl.
how are you getting by roofer?......i need 120 a day to get by and two weeks off would have the debtors in my mortgage is nearly 800 quid interest only and 30 years and im 30000 in negative equity ......f**k me wheres my gun ;D
nice one intensive ill have a gander tomorro

s**t spunky id be happy if i cud get a ton a day at the min did a couple of weeks on a site gettin 1.85 a mtr i was gettin that desperate lowest ive been paid a mtr in 8 yrs that
i hope for us all things sort itself out, to put it in perspective my boss is 40 and when he was 17 it wa 1.80 a meter .......for a good quality finish it should be 3 minimum
if your on the right jobs and put the effort in you can make s**t prices pay like i was on worcester hospital gettin £1.65 a square but still pullin a grand after tax for 4 days just cos of the massive straight walls we had there but its no good in flats u end up pulling your nuts off for a "wage"
spunkybum said:
F*** me napper thats 190 sq's a day ..........fair play

4 guages averagin 50sq a day i hate sittin in digs when im away from home an dont see the point pissin up the wall an being rough the next day rather do that wid mate wen im home so dont mind puttin 12hr days in on site if it means goin home on a thur night
spunkybum said:
how are you getting by roofer?......i need 120 a day to get by and two weeks off would have the debtors in my mortgage is nearly 800 quid interest only and 30 years and im 30000 in negative equity ......F*** me wheres my gun ;D

To be honest, I'm not getting by. My Mrs is a student nurse and gets small bursary and i get 60 jobseekers since last wednesday,Joke innit.
My priority is feeding kids, F**K the house!

When u finished with your gun can i borrow it?
domestic has dried up totally here in i`m hoping to hear about some site stuff tonight will keep you all posted rates etc incase anybody intrested
Roofer2plasterer said:
spunkybum said:
how are you getting by roofer?......i need 120 a day to get by and two weeks off would have the debtors in my mortgage is nearly 800 quid interest only and 30 years and im 30000 in negative equity ......F*** me wheres my gun ;D

To be honest, I'm not getting by. My Mrs is a student nurse and gets small bursary and i get 60 jobseekers since last wednesday,Joke innit.
My priority is feeding kids, F**K the house!

When u finished with your gun can i borrow it?
keep youre head up mate ill be joining you in a couple of months .......on the bright side youre missus is a student nurse and thats deffo worth living for!
Aint worked for two and a half months, Spanish trades are working for 40 euros a day to suplement their dole cant compete with that one.
lucius said:
Aint worked for two and a half months, Spanish trades are working for 40 euros a day to suplement their dole cant compete with that one.

was in gib doin mono last yr gettin £11 a square and the spanish lads doin the same job were gettin 6 euros a square
Hi Spunky ime in Murcia about one hour inland from Torrievieja. Ithink you will find that 11€ aint far of £11 nowadays. I just picked up an English language advertiser in the cafe this morning and their is a builder come handy man advertising himself fo €6 an hour, what chance have you got.
ah! but how much is a pint? over hear its near enuff 3 bloomin quid, thats why spunky needs at least 120 quid a day..
in spain its about 50p innit? so you only need to earn 25 quid and you can be absolutely shluckin faughtered and still have change for a donner kebab :P
Misconception their lads some things are cheaper here in Spain, council tax etc, but generaly Spain is a very expensive country nowadays Tescos would knock spots of any Spanish supermarket chain, before the exchange rate crash people holydaying from Britain would find it reasnably cheap but they were spending British wages, over here we earn a Spanish Wage which dosent make it cheap.Where i live in the town what time forgot i can still get a pint for €1.50 but generaly on the coast the price is comparable with the U.K.
nice place to live though .....better to be poor and happy than sad and rich
well thats the spanish holiday out the window then!
seriously though, had a mate emigrated few years back, somewhere beginiing with f i think near alicante..
only a builders labourer but he couldnt make it pay either..
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