125 internal angels

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Private Member
does anybody know off any plastering books which illustrates how to do a 125 angle (vertically) or has anybody got any photos which i could take a look at. much appreciated christ
when plastering a room with 2 obtues internal angels. is it easiest to plaster the 2 walls either side of the obtues angels wait for those to dry then plaster the wall inbetween, does that make any sence. can anybody give me some advice. thanks
Can you put a stop bead on the edges of the two walls over lapping a bit onto the one wall allowing you something to skim too?
so you mean plaster the 2 walls, let it dry, attatch stop bead to the plasterboard that hasnt been plastered yet and then plaster that. is that right ?
Hi these angles are a nightmare even with loads of experience they are still tricky. Dont bother with the stop beads as you can still get it wrong with them on and that would just be a waste of a bead, best advice i can give is to get it bang on before you skim it as if its not straight before skim you wont get it straight after. you can try alternating the wet angle, but i find it easier with a wet angle. Refina also makes a angle trowel that can be adjusted to the angle you want
If its plasterboard walls attach a stop bead to either edge of wall leaving a lip on the display wall , so you can skim the display wall aswell.10ml stop bead will leave a straighter edge for you but you will have to scratch the walls out with bonding near the bead. Its hard to describe in words .
hey steve, do you attach the stop beads, on the same plaster board with the straight egdes facing away from each other, or attach the stop beads on either side of the angles with the straight edge of the stop beads facing each other. does that make sence
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