10x10 ceiling....IN ONE HIT

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New Member
before we start....no its not me doing it...

today at work a customer asked me for a device which pumps water for plastering, I was a bit confused, i said to him whats it for and he said to keep the plaster alive... i said a spray bottle and he said no, its bigger and sprays a lot of water out... then i thought he was dampening down a wall after a scratch coat or something...he said no its for a ceiling...


I said maybe a sponge float, i though maybe was drying a bit quick or something... he said no mate it a 10mx10m ceiling and he is hitting it in one hit...

The guy was 100% serious, so if you work it out.. you would need 11.1 bags of finish for both coats.. the guy got upset with me as i was telling him about the rolling gauge doing it in hits. He said his bloke is really quick!

To the experienced spreads here, is this possible or is this bloke off his nut.. thats about 7 bags of finish for the first coat in 1 hit?????
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there has got to be more than one of them to do that or if he is on his own he will be f**k*d when he has finished.
done a ceiling on site once 7 bag gauge had 2 split ceiling in to 2 sets trowell up with no joins me & spreads gimp was that f++++d after had 2 days off never again
does anyone still do artex? i know you can do courses for it still

Sure do. I did a bedroom and living room ceilings on saturday with the half record (fan) pattern. Tomorrow, i'm doing a living room and kitchen ceilings. Artex is great stuff. Err, except when you're plastering over it, of course!!
Sure do. I did a bedroom and living room ceilings on saturday with the half record (fan) pattern. Tomorrow, i'm doing a living room and kitchen ceilings. Artex is great stuff. Err, except when you're plastering over it, of course!!
Well done you keep putting it on then we will keep skimming over it.Who ever invented artex needs a medal.
10x10 shouldnt be 2 hard... I wouldnt want it but a rolling gauge would be ok though. Artex is nice I had a few people phone me asking if I could artex :-)
yeah loads of people artex just like loads of people plaster,not that many do it that well which is why so many on here moan about the plaster reskim pulling of the artex underneath ,in the 90s there were artex courses like the plastering courses today ,dont mind at all someone has to sort all the crap ceilings out ££££££££s
10 x 10 is do able if its square and a decent floor off stilts. me and my labourer did 75m on an l shape with 2 differnt floor levels. that was using the big refina superspat mind. had to go like a looney but was fine once under control. just leave a window open the night before to get the room cold and go like a ****. we even put a second hit on after the lid, but thats coz im greedy lol
Yeah, 10 x 10 is manageable with a good lab. You can be trowelling in at one end while he is mixing more gear.............. hard work like, but manageable:RpS_thumbup:
cheers for replies, so it can be done...thats some ceiling, im years off that yet..
as for all the artex questions, i was going to do an artex course UNTIL
I seen it been done on my plastering course, i had some spare time and layed on some
artex onto a plasterboard ceiling...just a couple of metres, they showed me all sorts of effects
stipple, wosh, pan etc... i seriously could not believe how easy it was... i can honestly say i would
attempt any artex ceiling and even repair one to blend in the effect. Its that easy, i learned it
in about 20 minutes..serious...
is that fan pattern hard to do

It's started in the left hand corner of the ceiling, working left to right (in the typewriter effect) The trick is to keep the pattern consistent and straight. When i get to the centre light, i use a smaller rose comb to make a nice wee pattern around the pendant as its impossible to get the fan across the light fitting! Artexing is all about knack. IMO stipple is the most difficult to do. Keeping it consistantly even is tricky, as pad marks can show up if you don't keep the wet edge workable and you must turn the stippler regularly!
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