1 house 1 day??

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New Member
hi eveyone i used to work wiv my mate who has been plasterering same amount of time as me which is only about 1 year..
recently we have gone our seprate ways and he has started working with a very well known spread ...today he reckons that him and four spreads floated and set a 5 bedroom house with 9 foot walls and it also had a new kitchen in they went round.. they left home at 5 and got back around 7..this just seems mad i just cant belive it i must be going seriously wrong somewhere...they rek they doing another one 2moz and another on saturday..
I have also heard of a spread who can do a whole pallet of hardwall and set it in a day, that is just him and a labourer that would work out 150 m2 thats just mental :o i know from experiance the faster they usualy are the rougher it is, I used to work for a firm that the boss dude was on the tools and he always layed on far too much in a set and had to use easy fill to sort out all the misses, had to go back and sort his work out all the time. Its all good being fast but when you got to keep going back to sort jobs out it evens out the time, if you would have done it right in the first place.
it's booolshite we love to talk it up 150qm of skim in a day for a 1/1 gang is poss but it would be ball breaking even on one flat wall i reckon youre mate floated it and skimmed it the next day plus maybe a set the same day
Ma mates in a squad in Kent, theres 4 of them and told me they did 33 bags of hardwall by 11am. Most we've done was 160m2 in a barn conversion, all board, 2 spreads and a labourer, 10 hour shift. Was totally knacker after it. If there doing 500m2 in a day they're either plastering with magic wands or talking crap! As for working round fitted kitchen, we've done a lot of this and by the time you cover everything and take the time to do it right you're the best part of a shift!
Yeah i agree no plasterers doing that maybe there getting confused with screeding ;D. I think a tape and jointer gang would struggle with a 5 bed house in a day let alone a plastering gang. And theres no way any ones doing that every day you'll need a month to recover ;D
i know this dont sound right does it but this is what he is telling me..i know one of the other lads that hes working with when i see him i will ask him bout it...
those m tec would be a bit of a backbreaker getting up the stairs ;D , ah well, if the labourer wants to earn his £20 then hes gonna have to work for it :P
my dad was told from a couple of plasterers on site they recon 2 of them plastered a 5 bed house in one day between them :o ;D

i dont think that is even possible if they did one coat all over... so there either very very rough or just total bullshiters. i guess the 2nd lol.

what you said is prob possible mind, 4 of them could do a room and half each in 3 sets in a day. so thats 6 rooms prob about right? but that would be working every hour and hard, and i cant see it being the best job.

i wouldnt want to kill myself like that and the possibilty of having to go back to.

its a nice little story for the pub though...
we used to think something similar on the windows i.e. 'dont mess with us were the window fitters' like no one on earth could possibly do what we did...
then exagerate some...
testosterone is great for fights, shite for business...makes you look a complete tw't.....
thats not to say im NOT a compete tw'at btw... 8-)
always have been, always wil be....
remember working for a builder many moons ago,get this,reckoned that he had a plasterer that mixed up 15 bags of finish in a dustbin on his own at once and spreaded it all on(wake up smell the coffee you fvcking tw@t) mind you he was full of shlt and i was only about 19
its a nice little story for the pub though...
we used to think something similar on the windows i.e. 'dont mess with us were the window fitters' like no one on earth could possibly do what we did...
then exagerate some...
testosterone is great for fights, shite for business...makes you look a complete tw't.....
i knew a lad who was making 30 quid for a 3 sided piller and getting 5 on per set, he was doing 3 sets a day and after 2 days he was back on daywork ............contracts managers suck co*k for ro&k :)
its a nice little story for the pub though...
we used to think something similar on the windows i.e. 'dont mess with us were the window fitters' like no one on earth could possibly do what we did...
then exagerate some...
testosterone is great for fights, shite for business...makes you look a complete tw't.....
i knew a lad who was making 30 quid for a 3 sided piller and getting 5 on per set, he was doing 3 sets a day and after 2 days he was back on daywork ............contracts managers suck co*k for ro&k  :)

I was working down tiverton in devon a few years ago and was getting £8 a face on pillars and was doing 4 sided ones and was doing 7 in 1 set i was paid to gyp-bond them, bond and skim, but the concretete was pretty good so i just greened them up and skimmed them. 9 was my record ;) It was a cushy little number 2 sets and i was earning good money and finished by about 1 everyday shame these things dont last forever :(
so the conclusion is that my mate is a fooking little bull#hitter..i will get to the bottom of this i have yet to see the other guys who done it with him..i dont belive that any one mixes up in a wheelie bin with 15 bags of multi all by yourself....why do some ppl feel the need to lie bout fings???????????????//
cause they always like to think they know better that yourself and try and get one over you,i mean imagine trying to mix up 15 bags of finish thats just fvcking stupid.
must think we live in cloud fvcking cuckoo land.some people just seem to go through life talking sh*t,well i say to them goodluck and fvck off
well thats that fvck em
glad thats of my chest
By the time you've knocked up 15 bags in a wheelie bin you've probably over mixed it so much that you'll get about 10 mins to deal with it!
where can i buy a 4 foot whisk??  or maybe a plunger is the way to go??  ;D
and how am i to get the last few bit out of the bottom just to finish layin on my whole house set??
maybe its a polish invention? they have 15 plasterers all working out of one big bucket with another 3 on a trihandled plunger??
15 bags of plaster 25kg x 15 = 375kg
water to said 15 bags 14ltr x 15 = 210kg Thats 585kg or more than 1/2 Tonne of plaster to bail out with a bucket trowel. If you put it on a stand before knocking it up and then stile sawed slits in the bottom... might actually work. Gravity feed plastering....
I wouldnt worry so much about what or how much he or anyone else does in a day if i was you mate.

It's what you do and what you earn that matters.

if your mate was honest he prob earns less than you and works a lot harder for it. Who's the fool now ???

For me its all about quality not quantity.
well 5 good plasterers would struggle to do float /set 100m each per 12 hour day

a good 2/1 is expected to float/set 100m per 6/7 hour day, so if they went for it in a 12 hour day I suppose you would get 150m per day without breaking to much sweat but that would still only work out around 300m

so if you had 5 good spreads each capable of spreading 60m float/set per 6/7 hour day make that a 12 hour day so the best i think could be done would be 5 spreads plastereing 80m float/set per day this would give you 400m not impossible by a long way, i could do 80 m float/set in a 12 hour shift BUT you would also need 2 laboureres

I know 100s of plasterers and I can think of only 2 that could spread 100m float/set in 1 12hour day if the gear was knocked up for them
tommy tell us more mate about how you would approach 80m per day with youre labourers?
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