1 coat b*ll***s!

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I been working for the council for a few months now and believe me it's taken some gettin used to! The standard of work that they leave in homes is comical and they don't give u enough time to do the job properly! At 1st it did my head in until something snapped in my head and I thought '' Feck IT!'' if u can't beat em, join em.

Tried doing one coat skimming and hated it. Looked awful and had to make it wetter than jenna jameson to get a decent finish on it!

Gone back to proper methods now and when they ask why the jobs taking so long I reply '' u hired a plasterer so i'm plastering ..........properly'' and leaving clients with quality finish! Thing is though I'm on a temp contract til Feb and i don't think they'll extend it ;D ;D ;D
I know it might not pay the bills but you get my respect for sticking well going back to your principles 8)
My respect too mate, councillors are a load of cheap arse, work shy, tossers anyway.

If you tell them you are doing a job properly they will walk off scratching their heads wondering what sort of weird concept it is.

Then have 482 meetings about it.

I can't spell councillors can I! ;D
I know exactly where you're coming from I did some work for Amber Valley Council a few years ago, the standards were tearful, I stuck it for a week but I had other work to back it up, they just want smack bang wallop next!! Takes the pride out of the job.
Stick to your way mate, there's some tossers out there who know f@@k all.
Did some work for a bloke he was trying to tell me what i can do in a day.
& he had never even done any graft himself ever, he had an office & computers background.
He was a joke, he once said to me can you put silk paint in the artex save us going back to paint it!
Another job the spec was 2coat render & skim not a large area metre high in a study, he said if you do that job in the morning as it works out about half a day on paper!
I said are you taking the p i ss.
Another day he said if you got a bit of skim left in your bucket pop to another job(10 miles
away) there's a bit of patching to do??
Ha ha what a prick!!!! ;D
before i started on my own i worked for the council doing kitchen re fits ,unknown to me the foreman was on huge bonus so he was pushing on making more in bonus than in a wage .needless to say when we found this out we made his life hell .he sufferd from bad back and used to put deep heat on in afternoon we stole his tube and filled with clear silicon was the funniest thing ive ever seen :D :D :D.so stick to what ur doing dont become 1 of them ;)
one of the contractors we plaster for is a council subby his prices are sheite so ours our as well so get in and get done quick and to an acceptable standard nothing more
I priced a job last week at £850 and the cheeky witch thought I should have just swapped it for the fridge she said I couild take!!!

£850 for a second hand fridge...............cheeky cheeky cow!
spunky said:
i'd just slap it on and (french word) off half of them are jobless (french person)s (french word) em ;D

Haha spunky, u ain't wrong fella! I went to one house and the stairs were covered in dog s**t! She was fit aswell??? take the piss as well....almost every house we go in complain that we ruined the carpets so they can blag a new one!!! Jerremy Kyle watching scumbags!!!!!!!!
a plasterer that we was working with for the council said he had been spike with something in a cuppa from a woman that had a problem with the council, he ended up in hospital cos of it.
roofer lad, you dont half get on one sometimes... ;D
the way its always been and always will be is if you do repair work for the council you get in, shag the tart if shes any good, do the job quick as you can, b'llox to what it looks like, bullsh't baffles brains and get out again..
thats because your on the council payroll...

if, however, your on a contract, re-roof one of those flat roofey extensions and skim out say...
then its got to be 2 coat, 1mm flat over 5 mile straight edge and not a bit of fat in sight... or you dont get paid...
assuming youve sucked the clerk of works c'ck every time he's showed up and done everything else he's asked for you get the priviledge of waiting 3 months for your money...

'council housing' is a system abused by the aforementiond 'jeremy kyle watching' tossers who expect everything on a plate and have the art of complaining off to a fine art.. the council know this so dont sweat it... there are exceptions but youll find these people would sooner pay a plasterer privately for a top job cos they know the crack too...

get yourself a t-shirt with 'coffee 2 sugars' written on the back and tell em its all designed to look like that cos it matches the rest of the house, enjoy the 'single mum' perks, take your 'paid into the bank' wages at the end of the week and stick 2 fingers up to the cnuts your working for ;)
i walked away from a council job 2 weeks ago could not be bothered with the "your not fast enough" even tho i was knocking a bathroom-kitchen out in 2 1/2 days i went to see the other plasterers as you do making out i was short of PVA/scrim ect to see their work was an eye opener. shocking!!!
just felt/looked like 1 coat 1 or 2 trowels bucket of water then done.

got to feel sorry for tennants not all of them are scrubbers, most deserve better
Chris W said:
roofer lad, you dont half get on one sometimes... ;D
the way its always been and always will be is if you do repair work for the council you get in, shag the tart if shes any good, do the job quick as you can, b'llox to what it looks like, bullsh't baffles brains and get out again..
thats because your on the council payroll...

if, however, your on a contract, re-roof one of those flat roofey extensions and skim out say...
then its got to be 2 coat, 1mm flat over 5 mile straight edge and not a bit of fat in sight... or you dont get paid...
assuming youve sucked the clerk of works c'ck every time he's showed up and done everything else he's asked for you get the priviledge of waiting 3 months for your money...

'council housing' is a system abused by the aforementiond 'jeremy kyle watching' tossers who expect everything on a plate and have the art of complaining off to a fine art.. the council know this so dont sweat it... there are exceptions but youll find these people would sooner pay a plasterer privately for a top job cos they know the crack too...

get yourself a t-shirt with 'coffee 2 sugars' written on the back and tell em its all designed to look like that cos it matches the rest of the house, enjoy the 'single mum' perks, take your 'paid into the bank' wages at the end of the week and stick 2 fingers up to the cnuts your working for ;)

;D ;D ;D ;D
Done a bit for the council like every one else but not for long, it dont take long before you realise whats the point for these prices :(
A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
Especially in these hard times!!
If you can feed your family and enjoy your working day at the same time,then one coat it is mate.....
just do it ,just think of the money and do what you gotta do.
I hate plastering,but it feeds my 2 kids and with a 3rd now on the way i gotta start enjoying it a lot more,becuse for some unknown reason i get payed more for plastering then the other work i do.
I ve been doing a ongoing job for the council, making good after new windows have been fitted, it certainly has opened my eyes, but has equated to ver £9,000 since April, switch of and take the dosh.
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