!0 day courses...... oh please

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New Member
Anyone who thinks that after 10 days that you can have the skill level to tackle anything other than anything you would never get paid for is sadly mistaken. :'(
i partly agree in what you are saying, but what a 10 day course can give you is a starting base. from this you can analyse wether you have the ability to carry on with the chosen skill and take it further

Ok I did 2 years labouring for 2 spreads and because we were always on price I rarely got to pick up a trowel let alone shown how to use it.

I went on the gold trowel 10 dayer and learnt the basics and now I am on my own in fact I am subbing work off to my old employers.

No you are not a spread after 10 days but if you applied what you learn then you stand every chance over time becoming one.

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