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  1. S

    Old thread but it’s still what I do

    Copied this from a car forum I post on as I put it up as I was trying get a job from someone so I thought I would show him what I could do :)
  2. S

    Best way to finish Knauf mp

    I have been forced to use knuaf plaster for 22 years due to the company I work for but this latest version of Knauf MP is harder to get a descent finish. I have tried Nela trowels but in my opinion they don’t work with Knauf plasters. I finally settled on the Refina 18” s*p*r*lex trowel and...
  3. S

    Polymer scratch coat renders

    I have to render a three block of houses to morrow in polymer render, its supposed to be machined on but I will be putting it on by hand as there is no machine available. I have never done the scratch coat renders before but I know how to do it I'm just after some tips or things to look out...
  4. S


    Since there is a forum to post about being new here I am :). I have been plastering for 30 years so pretty experienced in all works.