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  1. D

    Internal painted brick

    EML no comebacks
  2. D

    First House, first full hit of plastering. Advice please ;)

    Those who can... do. Those who can't ..... design boats.
  3. D

    Skimming nightmare

    there is no reason why it won't on ceilings, however it's so much easier and cheaper to overboard and skim !!!
  4. D

    Skimming nightmare

    why is this wierd???
  5. D

    Quality Plasterer needed.

    think he means 6 bags !
  6. D

    Skimming nightmare

    Don't even bother using PVA at all. Use THISTLE BOND-IT and skim with board finish. Problems solved FACT.
  7. D

    Domestic work

    Handboard ??? ignorant northern tooosser :-) HAWK
  8. D

    eml over painted heavy tyrolean

    Did one the same this year mate you will probably need more than 8 fixings but i know that the sheets of EML kinked a bit so a thick first coat was needed. Bead up after the scratch coat (except drip bead) WASHED SAND all will be fie.
  9. D

    rib lath,

    5:1 scratch is FAR TOO WEAK, it will not work as far as waterproofing is concerned
  10. D

    Drying out Plaster with no heating in house?

    no pick and mix... just natural drying
  11. D

    rib lath,

    First coat 3:1 scratched leave for 2 days then 6:1:1 sand cement lime. The biggest mistake people make when rendering is that they use the wrong sand.. MUST BE WASHED PLASTERING SAND.