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  1. J

    just bought a Makits BFR750, screws?

    +1 for senco, makita over pr
  2. J

    notts plasterers

    Lol yep that's what I though, never done it myself but seen in being done.
  3. J

    notts plasterers

    Oh is that were they insulate the wall then render over?
  4. J

    notts plasterers

    What is ewi work??
  5. J

    S and c rendering over old brick

    Thanks artisan
  6. J

    S and c rendering over old brick

    Hi what gauge do u use for slurry? Isn't it 3 sharp 1 cement 3 water to 1 sbr? Thanks
  7. J

    S and c rendering over old brick

    Not got loads of experience only 3 years really and havnt done plastering for 3 years or so, that's why joined here to jog my memory forgot a thew things, going out on my own got nothin to loose! That's one of reasons I stopped doing it cos the chap I worked for wasn't paying me what I was worth!
  8. J

    S and c rendering over old brick

    Don't think it's engineering brink and there don't seem to be much dust on he brick just a lot of salt in one area, think the house is 1970s.
  9. J

    S and c rendering over old brick

    Hi all just after a bit of advice really what would u guys do to prep before s and c over old brick i have all ready hacked of the old render, just slap some sbr on the wall? Thanks
  10. J

    Refina s*p*r*lex

    Hello, has anyone been using the new s*p*r*lex, and are they any good? Thanks John