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Hello, I have just joined this site. I am wanting to build contacts and get to know more about this forum.
Hi , we've had a lot of trolls lately so before we divulge trade secrets we're asking new members to post a photo of yourself with " TPF " written on your forehead ( @carl-the-plasterer regularly posts mine )
And tell us all about your experiences ,
plastering as well if you want mate
Incidentally , where are you located
Hi , we've had a lot of trolls lately so before we divulge trade secrets we're asking new members to post a photo of yourself with " TPF " written on your forehead ( @carl-the-plasterer regularly posts mine )
And tell us all about your experiences ,
plastering as well if you want mate
Incidentally , where are you located
Thanks for this bof!! I can't private message yet so hopefully i can in a few days time. Also is it possible to delete any of my own posts and messages if I need too? Sorry to be a pain but I am just getting used to this site.
Hi , we've had a lot of trolls lately so before we divulge trade secrets we're asking new members to post a photo of yourself with " TPF " written on your forehead ( @carl-the-plasterer regularly posts mine )
And tell us all about your experiences ,
plastering as well if you want mate
Incidentally , where are you located
Do you think it should be shortened to PF, i am not sure "The" is needed.