Recent content by SpitfireSyd

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  1. S

    Developer re-rendering (Krend) my front wall or not as the case may be !

    I believe original renderer went bust. I do not have a choice on the material used. I get what you are saying re: availability, but the final coat of Krend should only be applied in dry weather at temperatures of 5 degrees upwards over a 48 period. That's my understanding. My concern is part od...
  2. S

    Developer re-rendering (Krend) my front wall or not as the case may be !

    Thats what they told me ! And yes the developer wants to send someone this week where lowest temps are due to hit -3 to -6 locally.
  3. S

    Developer re-rendering (Krend) my front wall or not as the case may be !

    Hi all. Please be kind. Been waiting 4 years for our front render to be removed and replaced due to small cracks all over. Our developer apparently has loads to do with another 80 or so outstanding after all this time. I was told last year by them that its a summer job. It was finally due to...