Window rubber marks on render


New Member
Hi everyone, I joined the site to find out some specific info if that's ok?
I have some ugly black streak marks on the k render on my house. The marks are from the perished rubber from a window and have slowly stained the render. I have tried scrubbing it to no avail. Can anyone advise please?
Thank you, Ian
Remove the black rubber from the window, replace with white rubber that does not stain.
Bleach May help remove 90% off it
Cilit bang black mould remover apply wait and scrub off don’t Leave it on
If it is Krend there’s something that reacts and you end up with lovely purple streaks, it may not be it could be another product but guaranteed all this through colour render thing is at some point unless you want to set scaffold up and pressure wash you’re house every year for 1200 quid a pop I’d just let it go and paint it every 10 years same as the guy that had rough cast and he probably paints it every twenty years lol
If it is Krend there’s something that reacts and you end up with lovely purple streaks, it may not be it could be another product but guaranteed all this through colour render thing is at some point unless you want to set scaffold up and pressure wash you’re house every year for 1200 quid a pop I’d just let it go and paint it every 10 years same as the guy that had rough cast and he probably paints it every twenty years lol
Coloured render isn’t about to be the new artex