A quick post to say thank you.

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Hello everyone this is my first post on the site after being a long time lurker. I have got to say thank you to all the people on this forum posting as it has enabled me to to plaster my entire house to a standard the missus is happy with.

I have enjoyed my time plastering the house so much I am now looking to start labouring for a proper spread in the leeds area to learn more about the trade so if you know anybody or you are looking for a labourer yourself don't hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks again
Hello everyone this is my first post on the site after being a long time lurker. I have got to say thank you to all the people on this forum posting as it has enabled me to to plaster my entire house to a standard the missus is happy with.

I have enjoyed my time plastering the house so much I am now looking to start labouring for a proper spread in the leeds area to learn more about the trade so if you know anybody or you are looking for a labourer yourself don't hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks again

give @theclemo a call ....i think hes looking for lads.
something about cleaning his buggatti
and a butler.