Going self employed?

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Hi there all.
Wanted to pick some people's brains.
I've been toying with the idea of going self employed.
I've been working for a local building form for 6 years.
But I'm. It happy for various reasons.

Is it a good idea in the current climate to go self employed and do abit of subbing and do my own jobs?
I've been working weekends on my own customers propertys
Also I do more than just plastering and rendering.
Based in the Sussex area.
Regards all
Hi there all.
Wanted to pick some people's brains.
I've been toying with the idea of going self employed.
I've been working for a local building form for 6 years.
But I'm. It happy for various reasons.

Is it a good idea in the current climate to go self employed and do abit of subbing and do my own jobs?
I've been working weekends on my own customers propertys
Also I do more than just plastering and rendering.
Based in the Sussex area.
Regards all

get stuck in ..advice in your area is the 1 and only @essexandy
Is it ever a good time to go self employed?

Only you can decide whether you think it is worth it