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John j

Mono Don
As said in other thread . Buying some gear for first time in ages. Who ever gets closest with out going over get a little plaster related prize
6 8×4 12.5 boards
3 insulation boards( the pink foam ones think there 25 mm thick)
5 adesive
4 finish
Roll Skyrim
3 2.4 beeds
Tin foam
5 ltr pva
Roll of roll n stroll
I.m thinking 235
£2600 if you go Travis
The Travis I go sometimes in Vauxhall London it’s a battle to get the yard blokes to help u or to get a ticket once I went in there and it was really weird the place was dead no vans in there I couldn’t find no one to help load up so just started loading up 8 boards 3 finsh bit of bonding corex some beads ect still no one I walked up the big timber racks and 3 of them were playing cards behind this bit that unless your looking for them you would never find them
The Travis I go sometimes in Vauxhall London it’s a battle to get the yard blokes to help u or to get a ticket once I went in there and it was really weird the place was dead no vans in there I couldn’t find no one to help load up so just started loading up 8 boards 3 finsh bit of bonding corex some beads ect still no one I walked up the big timber racks and 3 of them were playing cards behind this bit that unless your looking for them you would never find them
Yes, hard to park there , f**k**g hard to get served
My favourite Travis is Norwood or when over battersea way to go to Atkins now ccf the black bloke is still in the yard I reckon he thinks he got the job now
I live 5 mins from the Norwood one, the guy in the ccf in Wandsworth is sound ,been there decades , Steve in the shop is sound also
Don't tell the baron
It’s ok he goes round to jobs and waits for Plasterer to start unloading his van then quickly swipes a few bags, this is a true story he made me knock on a door once and say could we park on there drive for 20 mins if gave a 5er I wouldn’t do it,then I got tales of oh why not I’ve knocked on people’s door for a bog roll in the past
I live 5 mins from the Norwood one, the guy in the ccf in Wandsworth is sound ,been there decades , Steve in the shop is sound also
I give Steve grief as he never wants you to feel you have got something for nothing I always go throw a bowl in or chuck a roll of scrim in and he never will,yeah bloke is sound been there all the time I’ve been plastering so 18 years I like Marcus at Norwood he just sits in that hut but as he knows me let’s me load up and he just does me a ticket
It’s ok he goes round to jobs and waits for Plasterer to start unloading his van then quickly swipes a few bags, this is a true story he made me knock on a door once and say could we park on there drive for 20 mins if gave a 5er I wouldn’t do it,then I got tales of oh why not I’ve knocked on people’s door for a bog roll in the past
Can't believe he went to a 5 Er, that's half the cost of an Easter bonus ball
everyone knows the baron he goes on parade every Sunday in his best out fit and drives around Sydenham waving at the peasants