internal render

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i've got a job coming up that needs one new block interior wall rendering ready for skim application now can i stick with my exterior batching whitch is 5,1 scrach and 6,1,1 float then devil or can i get away with one coat work if so what batching would be best, the guy wants sand and cement no light weight plasters cheers lads
depends on the block mate if its concrete i'd use 4-1 with w/proofer or thermo 4-1 with w/proofer ; should use 6-1 with thermalite and add a key
you don't need to put two coats on it unless someone has made a boob and you have no choice , like spunky said it depends what blocks they are regrading mixes and if there are no door openings or windows its quite simple , put it on and rule it off and fill in any hollows and re- rule wait for it to pick up and run a devil float over it cut out all corners with your trowel and skim the next day .
thanks for the info, so are we saying 1 coat no lime 4,1 mix with waterproofer on to concrete block jobs a gooden ;D ;D by the way whats thermo or is it themo spunky??
if you are governed by no certain thickness just put it on in one coat 4-1 or 5-1, no lime , it wont make a lot of difference on heavy weight block unless you dot have any feb
thermolites or celcon blocks the lightweight block theyve got the weave running through them and if you drop them on the floor theyll break easily, there designed for dabbing really mate so you need a bit of a key if youre using s/c on them ..........plaster goes off a bit quicker on them too mate so you'd want to pva them 2-1 the day before
spunky said:
thermolites or celcon blocks the lightweight block theyve got the weave running through them and if you drop them on the floor theyll break easily, there designed for dabbing really mate so you need a bit of a key if youre using s/c on them ..........plaster goes off a bit quicker on them too mate so you'd want to pva them 2-1 the day before

have u tried gypriming them. one coat and theyre like concrete blocks
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