Hello. Am I frowned upon in the Industry

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New Member
Hi all. I've been plastering for the last 3 1/2 years now. After working in factories since I left school, I got the chance of redundancy. I used some of the crap package to do a weeks plastering course. After the course I sent letters to all the local companies. I got a start with one company. several months in I found out that they were not time served plasterers and one thing led to another and we parted company.

After several years of doing the odd job for friends and family and watching three kids full time. My wife decided she was going take some some time off from her work every week to give me time to start renovating the house.

Now the house is almost finished we have decided to share childcare with each of us working part time and watching the children part time also we are expecting our 4th in December. I want to become self employed and start advertising locally.

My main aim is to provide for my increasing family and in doing so give good customer service and do a good job that they are happy with but not charge the earth.

on a lighter note.. if your up to the job and leave a good finish and can arrange your work and social life around eachother then go for it, if you leave a high standard of work then charge for it, dont work for nothing 8)
Sorry guys for the long winded question. No i don't feel frowned upon, i just was wondering what the qualified tradesmen thought. When I wrote my letters to potential employers i thought the best way to learn properly was from someone who was a time served tradesman.

Anyway guys love the site

PS plastering is much easier than looking after 3 kids full time. ;)
Wait until you have a 150 year old 3 bed house falling apart at the seams to work on ..... the kids would seem like heaven
Its not mine thank god ..... lol every ceiling down, every wall hacked off even the outsides ... oh dear bet you wish you had a survey now !
One weeks training
I had to serve 3yrs +1yr advanced before they would let me loose on the streets. God!! I must have been thick
Anaheimduck said:
One weeks training
I had to serve 3yrs +1yr advanced before they would let me loose on the streets. God!! I must have been thick

Yes mate, know where your coming from. Did you know you can go and PAY for an advanced skimming course with a certain training school (no names incase they spit their dummies out again) the mind boggles!
Last time i checked skimming was the easy part of our job.
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